Sorry this took longer. I have... stuff. But anyway, here's my CS. I'll draw him later today. [hider][b]Name:[/b] Steve Jhabs [b]Age:[/b] Middle-aged man (around 50 human years) [b]Appearance:[/b] (to follow) [b]Personality:[/b] Steve hates almost every thing in this world. He hates the pixies hanging out on his swamp, the noisy naiad sorority just right about the next swamp to his, the tree nymphs who occasionally bathes in his waters, and even Robert the enchanted flounder underneath a rock south of his swamp (most especially him, the fish has a foul mouth I tell you). The only relief he gets from all this stress is when he goes to the Edge Tavern to drink and occasionally socialize to some "acquaintances" (some regular customers that frequents the tavern too). He's also a little OC for a swamp monster, he goes on rounds everyday to pick up trashes along the shore of his swamp and if he's up for it, he even go around in his neighborhood. [b]Powers or Abilities:[/b] Steve can breathe underwater (obviously). He can also control water as he pleases, he can talk to creatures affiliated to water (fish, crabs, water snakes, crocodiles, the Loch Ness monster, you name it) and he is also impervious to low temperatures. [b]Equipment and Weapons:[/b] Razor sharp claws and sarcasm. [b]Universe of origin, and perhaps a description:[/b] Its called Reveria. Its a country mainly populated by dense rain forests filled with thick vegetation and magical creatures. At the center of the country lies the Yggdrasil, an ancient tree as old as the world it self. It is being guarded by the Ents as it is where all life originated (or at least for this universe). Steve's swamp is located in the Widower's Marshes far beyond the east borders. [b]Bio:[/b] His parents lived in a lake near the center of Reveria. Compared to the current swamp where he lives now, everything here is bright and lively. As a kid he was welcomed with warmth and love and his parents were as good as they can be. This went on for awhile and Steve was happy, contented. Until one day, a neighbor accused his Pa for stealing. Just because they are swamp monsters they are deemed as bad creatures for some, a minority in the society of magical creatures. Steve believes it was a set up though, and it was. But it was never proven so they were cast out of the center of Reveria to the east borders as punishment. After several years, his parents died out of grief. From there he lived his life alone in a swamp in the dark forest and dedicated his life hating everything in and outside of it. [b]Cause of death:[/b] He slipped and bump his head in a sharp stone and died.[/hider]