[center][h1]Are We the Bad Guys?! A WH40K 'Renegade' RP[/h1] Accepting new players[/center] [center][img]http://wh40kart.im/_images/0b4b3f9a692e30035d42ccdc4deee4b2.jpg[/img] [All rights to Stephen Somers and GW][/center] [h3]Summary:[/h3] [indent] - A jaunt of daring and do within the Warhammer 40,000 universe and setting. - Characters can come in most shapes and sizes, their age, experience and so forth pretty much up to the participant; that being said, I will immediately reject any God-like beings or over the top characters. (Yes, even Astartes can be over the top sometimes!) - Violence is mandatory, but don't overdo it. - Our tale takes place in the most up-to-date period of 40K time line, at the beginning of the 42nd Millennium. - I do not require perfect grammar, nor character sheets as long as my arm, but what I do require is effort put into both CS's and IC posts. Keep them a decent – or above decent – length, and make sure spelling etc is up to snuff. Not hard with a Spell-checker. - Character sheets will be accepted based on merit alone, the more odd/powerful your character, the more exceptional your character sheet will need to be. - I fully expect, and intend, for characters to evolve over time during this RP. An example might be that someone loses a limb and seeks a bionic replacement, whether they get one will be both up to me as GM and the participants as a whole; character sheets will then be edited to show any changes, as with a TT role-playing game, and just remember that every action will likely have some form of reaction. - You may create a character from more-or-less any sentient and independent-minded race (no Tyranids or Necrons therefore!) As long as you've a good enough reason for them 'going rogue' in one way or another; although this RP will be influenced a lot by Chaos and the Black Crusade FFG, it does not mean your character is required to be aligned to Chaos. [/indent] [indent] Welcome, one and all, to the grim darkness of the future where their is only war! I'm going to get the ball rolling in the IC section, after which you may begin posting in whatever order you like, and we'll see where it goes from there. Simply send me your Character Sheets and await the Bat Signal! As already stated, any questions – and suggestions - are welcome![/indent] [h3]Rules[/h3] [indent] - Sort your squabbles out in private. If you persistently disagree with another player or they're grieving you, involve me. If necessary, I will get the moderators involved. - No godmodding (controlling someone else's character). - Try to post [i]at least[/i] once a week, [b]let me know[/b] if you can't post soon, and please try for at least three paragraphs. - One character per player. - Only one of each 'specialist' rank; that means Tech-marines, apothecaries and so forth. - My decisions are final.[/indent] [h3]Character Sheet[/h3] [indent] [b]Please submit your character sheets by Private Message to me, myself and I - once accepted you can post them in the Char tab.[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Your character's name. A pretty obvious one, so enough said. [b]Gender:[/b] Again, obvious. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Faction/Race/Species: :[/b] Militant, Hospitaller, Dialogous and so forth. [b]Sub-Faction:[/b] (Klan for Orks, Chapter for Astartes, Regiment for Guard etc. Can be past or current or both.) [b]Rank/Position:[/b] [b]Mental and Physical Traits:[/b] (This should include any belief system(s), specific skill sets and the like) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Bodily looks) [b]Wargear:[/b] (Weapons, armour, etc) [b]History:[/b] [/indent] [h3][b]If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.[/b][/h3] [indent]There is no Fate but what you make...[/indent]