[center][h1][color=D09A57]Jackson Tanner[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/a473b16987b7f5335b41339658cbaf59/tumblr_o80lxs9RrX1spwd06o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=D09A57][b]Location:[/b][/color]Shuttle[/center][hr] Turning over to the door as it opened, Jackson watched as Atticus wheeled the bomb into the room. Listening to his explanation, he gave a nod and sighed, moving over to look over the weapon. It'd do, for sure, he just hoped it would have a reasonable effect on the Reaver ship, otherwise getting away was going to be a fair ways more difficult. After examining the bomb, he moved to the controls again, getting ready to take it off once the signal was given. It'd be a tight scrape, but not the worst the ship had been through, and that was saying a fair bit. Leaning forward, he keyed the comms to the cockpit. [color=D09A57][b]"Ready to go on your mark, Captain."[/b][/color] He said as professionally as he was able, taking a firm hold on the controls as he took in a deep breath, glancing back to the bomb again. It was always moments like this which made him regret the fact that Anisa had decided on a Firefly-class, it was perfect of course for smuggling, but then, there were no weapons on it after all, which complicated things, to say the least. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=FF2F2F]Gregory Quinn[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/5c4bdc16083899ae152b4c5082d641e8/tumblr_neapbd9y3f1rb5kh3o4_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=FF2F2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Bridge[/center][hr] Quinn sneered somewhat at Anisa's comment, watching as the feed cut off, he had always despised the rebellious attitude the independents seemed to cling to, never any respect. Turning his gaze to the Lieutenant, Quinn remained in his general demeanour, an almost uncomforting calm as he left his hands clasped neatly behind his back. [color=FF2F2F][b]"Lieutenant Harper, be ready to follow the Vengeance once it takes off, I will give the Sergeant the order to fire if necessary."[/b][/color] He said cooly, looking over to Jahosafat as he spoke up again. Whatever the man was planning, Quinn already hated it, but he wouldn't deny that the man knew reavers, following his plan would have been advantageous. Sighing as he watched Jahosafat and Foy move off, Quinn turned his gaze back toward Harper. [color=FF2F2F][b]"As the doctor said, have pod D29 ready for eject when he gives his mark."[/b][/color] He commented plainly, turning his gaze back out of the viewport before he began to stroll calmly across the bridge, checking every officer at their station, ensuring they were all doing their jobs, slipping back into the military role he'd been missing for a while.