Totally! I'd definitely want to keep appearances of our side character gang in the next Act/Season, I've gotten quite attached to Vano and Cheriss as well, and even Roan's Tuk'ata actually :P They'll be sticking around too, and I actually gave them genders and names over the weekend since it made sense Roan would want to be able to call/command them individually sometimes as well as together (and names are much snappier compared to "hey, you! *points at*" XD) I look forward to it! O.O Ooooo that DOES look wicked good O.O I shall look into acquiring it XD Google docs is being a bum and decided to crash on me halfway through my next post (booo T_T) but I am ALMOST done with it now, so look out for the start of the feels train, it's about to get roouughh as sin xD