Cora nodded at Garik’s last words, smiling faintly to him. She had a habit of those kinds of smiles. Inherited, she always said. But seconds earlier, there had been a certain… aura, escaping him, a sense of seriousness, perhaps reality hitting him? It spread like wildfire, at least. Perhaps it wasn’t even that, but the whole scenario caused her to take in a deep breath. Block it out, then. She thought to herself. Nonetheless, Garik didn’t need to sense nervousness from her. It wouldn’t benefit anyone. [b]“Don’t worry. I’ll less than a bantha away.”[/b] She nodded, as Garik took his leave. Cora soon followed the direction he had headed, out towards the hangar. With a quick swipe, she opened up the datapad, running through the mission details. Luckily for her, it was the cockpit of a lovely bomber that awaited her. Many considered them bulkier, easy targets and whatnot. Surely they were right, to a degree at least. But she adored them. Cora ran her hand across the glass of the cockpit in a gentle manner, before carefully leaning her head against it. She let her mind go, cleared everything out. Finally, she knocked twice on it for good luck, smiling to herself. [b]“I’ll take care of you, don’t you worry.”[/b] She nudged the TIE bomber. [hr] [b]"This is Aurek Leader! Six rebel fighters just-"[/b] A quick surge of adrenaline ran through Cora as she guided her ship past a small asteroid. The rebels had come out of the blue, already gunning away at all the targets they could get. Captain Kael was gone shortly after the fighting initiated, and Cora was now desperately trying to get an overview of the situation. Her gaze stopped at the sight of her wingman Garik chasing two X-wings. The blaster fire surrounded the ships in what was almost a beautiful symphony. An X-wing quickly began tailing Lieutenant Antosha with a dangerous pace. The young pilot flicked her stick towards his location, in an attempt to catch up. Her path was filled with rocks and debris flying everywhere. One scratched the wing, but nothing the computer decided to complain about. [b]“I’m coming! Jus-… F-“[/b] Cora interrupted the chatter, as the remains of Aurek Leader flew dangerously close past her. [b]“I see him! Almost got a lock, but if you jolt him to the left on my mark, I’ll hit him dead on!”[/b] She was almost sure. Her precision had never failed her in training, but this was far from training. If that X-wing managed to get a proper lock, there was no restart. And at that thought, Cora took in a deep breath. She loaded up a concussion missile and flicked the cover of the control stick. Without hesitation, she prepared the lock. [b] “On my mark! One.. Two.. Mark!”[/b] Cora close to shouted over the radio, to her wingman. There wasn’t any time to waste, and so she pressed the button. The missile was released from the TIE/sa bomber, heading straight towards the target. If only Garik managed to lure the tailing ship to the left, it would be a clean shot. But there were so many variables in space.