[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LjFjyMp.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/A0ETWbS.png[/img][/center] [sub]banner credit to [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/hellis]Hellis[/url][/sub] [h2][center]Featuring [@Hellis] As.... Queen Titania[/center][/h2] [hr] [b]Time: Present Day - Night Location: England, UK[/b] The crescent moon cast little light across the entrance of the forest grove, The Ambassador and her two companions stood on either side of her. It was a naturally occurring midway point between the Faerie Realms and Earth, somewhere inside Queen Titania waited for The Ambassador to enter. Both Titania and Odette knew of each other's presence, now only formality separated them. The Queen, however, did not know why of The Ambassador's sudden visit. At least Odette hoped she hadn't a clue. Their past meeting ended poorly, another attempt on Odette's part to broker an alliance with Titania. She had made it very clear she never wanted her help and turned the meeting into a farce. Titania held the answers to a missing piece of Solomon's Cube, a powerful magical artifact the Broker approached her with rebuilding it. She needed to pull her weight in providing a piece, ensuring her stake in the final product. With a bit of luck, Odette would be walking away with that information tonight. "[color=thistle]Bach, Mandate.[/color]" The pair of them focused on her. "[color=thistle]Bach if you have any information that may give me an edge or you can glean from our conversation please do step in. Mandate, while I do appreciate your protective nature, if Queen Titania makes a threat or enters my personal space I need you to stay calm and still. This is as much a game and a gamble as our dinner with Lassantra. I trust you to know when to wait and when to act.[/color]" Odette meant every word. Mandate had shown to be impressively observant, able to pick up the subtleties of a dinner with a fey quickly. Most importantly the golem had [i]waited[/i] for her next move. Titania would not expect Odette to arrive with a powerful bodyguard. It was true. Titania had not expected the golem. "You brought a pet. How cute." Titania spoke with a snap to her voice that betrayed her emotion. "And It isn't even Fae. What is the meaning of this Ambassador? I thought you were clever enough to know I want nothing to do with you. You and your courts meddle with mortal politics and even let... humans in with you. Oops, I forget you are a monkey as well." She crossed her arms and lifted her chin as if looking down on them. The game was afoot. Titania's voice resounded through the grove catching Odette off guard. The Queen opted for English and wasn't wasting time holding back so neither would The Ambassador. "[color=thistle]I'm relieved to see that you are not holding back with your contempt, Your Majesty. It certainly says a thing or two that a human like myself is as, if not more so, formidable than you are. I'm almost sure in spite of these things you would love to hear me out. I have an interesting proposal.[/color]" Odette replied, smoothly stepping through the grove. A smile poised, her eyes cold. The Queen was regal as she was comfortable in her own territory. A crown glittering with jewels, her smooth skin unblemished by time. Silky robes, long soft brown hair wavy past her shoulders. With centuries under her belt Queen Titania looked as young and fit as ever. The words cut her. Titania's power had waned, she refused to let it show but everyone knew it. Not that she wasn't a monster, but her exile from the realm of mortals had only served to let those like Odette to move more freely. Even the snot-nosed upstart in the North had consolidated his power. Yet Titania, once the greatest of elves, was reduced to tolerating backtalk from a human. None of this showed on her face. Her mask was as perfect as ever. She smiled, but didn't move. "Not another step, changeling [i]child[/i]". "I smell sulfur on you." She said with a sneer. "Have you fallen so low in your desire for power that you consort with demons now? My, ambassador indeed. Your knees must hurt." She said with eyes just as cold and her smile just as unwavering as Odette's. Odette curtsied in greeting the Queen holding the length of her dress out, "[color=thistle]Your nose manages still even past your own back door, congratulations Your Majesty.[/color]" "[color=thistle]Demons and Hell are an untapped resource, that's not mentioning [i]your[/i] previous affairs into... exotic relationships. Very scandalous. However, my new found allies have pointed me back to you. In my proposal, what information you can provide will afford me more power, by extension you will benefit. A notion that I imagine is rather attractive to you and yours. Gaining power that is.[/color]" Odette went on letting Titania's crude insinuations roll off her back like rain. Her language not far off from the last time she dealt with her. The Queen was reduced to throwing mud to validate her position against Odette. "So. What demon snared you? Wait. Don't tell me." She closed her eyes, and breathed in. Odette would feel the tendrils over power wrap around her, prodding, searching. For a second, Titania looked like the Queen of old. All full of power and might, the woman who made all faedom, in every realm quake in their boots. Then she withdrew. Her eyes widened. "YOU DEAL WITH THE PRIMORDIAL OF GREED?! ARE YOU MAD WOMAN!" The human pulled her lip up feeling the Queen's magic surround her. "[color=thistle]It is very [i]rude[/i] to read someone without their permission.[/color]" Odette said then pulling on power from the Arcane Stream, Words of Power rolling off her tongue. Her body outlined in wispy blue, warding herself against Titania's probing. When she finished she made direct eye contact, "[color=thistle]Mad? No. A mad woman would be doing this without payment.[/color]" "Payment. You realize this is Greed Incarnate we talk about. By the sacred Grove woman, he counted on you taking payment and thinking you went away the one in favorable position. Do you even know, what Broker has done to us, to the Fae both here and on your continent?!" Her voice rose, the anger rolled off her in waves. Bushes grew darker and denser, sporting thorns. Her crown turned from silver and jewels to dark oak and bone spikes. "He was there. When the Romans came." Her voice shook. "He told them where the Druids were. How to bypass their spells. He whispered in the Caesar's ear about conquering the world. When they burned our secret groves, they burned them everywhere. Not only here on the Isles. Ask your own, what happened to the practices of the Gauls. All that, so he could lay his hands on the gifts we given our human allies." Her voice shook with anger even more now, her fingers were claw like. "Do you understand, what you consort with now, Ambassador." Odette broke her eyes away, noting the environment changing sensing the anger in all directions. Her muscles tensed along her legs while she forced her hands not to clench or brace. She looked to Bach counting on his knowledge to support her. "[color=thistle]There is no need for such aggression, Your Majesty. We are aware of our histories, [i]ancient[/i] histories.[/color]" Bach stepped forward taking his cue, "[color=darkseagreen]If I may, Your Majesty.[/color]" Bowing his head. "Bach." She said in a voice that was less murderous. "You may. Only because I respect your linage." There was a not so veiled insult towards Odette in there. The human did little to react to her jab. The Earth Fey held his hands out in a nonthreatening manner, speaking with them as he explained, "[color=darkseagreen]Thank you. I was sitting in on the meeting when The Broker approached My Lady with his idea. I am very aware of what The Broker has orchestrated in the past against Faerie, what horrors he has visited upon humanity. While My Lady sees an opportunity to gain [i]considerable[/i] advantage it is also about being on...[/color]" He gestured vaguely at the darkened surroundings, "[color=darkseagreen]The winning side. The Broker has created a Soul Stone containing untold thousands of souls ripped from New York City. To ensure our on going plans and presence in North America is not hindered by the likes of Hell we really had no choice but to agree. That same can be said for you, Your Majesty.[/color]" Bach expertly spun the angle that Odette couldn't help but feel impressed. She would thank him when the meeting was over. "[color=thistle]The Soul Stone is massively powerful and what we need from you to ensure that The Broker leaves your grove in peace is the location of a piece of Solomon's Cube.[/color]" Odette finished for Bach. For the most part, Mandate obeyed the Ambassador's directions almost to the letter. She was still, silent, and doing her utmost to remain calm as her head flicked to and fro, her gaze switching to follow the discussion. The continuous game of barbs was not lost on her, but it was somewhat distressing to keep track, and so she simply didn't. What truly caught and held her attention was the mention of a Soul Stone and its nature. Her mind itched, and she saved her questions for later. Titania had begun to relax a bit when Bach spoke, seemingly being sympathetic to their plight and intrigued by their plans. Then Ambassador showed she was still not quite as sharp as she might think she was. She said the name of the artifact. A soulstone was nothing new to the Fae. Even fae had on occasion created small ones, but the cube. The air practically froze. The darkness returned tenfold. "You wish to take what!" She all but howled. But she caught herself, and when she smiled at Odette, it was actually of triumph. "I can lead you to it. For a promise." Her smile grew wider. Odette in turn smiled right back at Queen Titania. This was the game, the favour for favour. The promise, the negotiations. In the past such a phrase would have sent fear shocking through her, back when she had little to offer and little less to say. Now, it was like a boost of adrenaline, the seconds before she would hit stage. "[color=thistle]A promise, not a favour nor a price?[/color]" "A promise. To a Queen. It cannot be broken, to do so would make you an exile. Powerless. Or start a war between yours and all others." Her smile would be a cause of alarm to anyone who saw it. That intrigued Odette. "[color=thistle]As you so kindly reiterated how dangerous The Broker is, allow me to remind you [i]I am the only thing standing in his way.[/i] You could weather a war against me but against Hell? I think not. I only hope for your sake whatever promise you propose will be enough to protect yourself and your residual power.[/color]" Her tone dropping in temperature. There was no backing down from Fey, one had to square their shoulders, stick out their chin further. Queen Titania certainly was not bluffing but neither was The Ambassador. Quietly, Mandate agreed with the Ambassador's stance. When one held the greater power at their back, it was only right to flex that power when necessary. [i]Crush without remorse,[/i] Some corner of herself whispered into her stream of thought. It resonated with the whole of her Self. "A war with hell. No I imagine not." She said, her voice not angry or challenging. "Maybe even you could wrestle it out of our control with force. The British Isles are dying, Arthur's sword is no longer within these borders. The dragons are leaving Avalon. The druids are dead or dying. Cities crowd out the huntsman and his wild hunt." She said. She smiled at Odette. "Threaten all you want Child. It matters not. I will die on a bed of thousand thorns, I fear not my end. No. This deal, this promise, is for you take. To prove your namesake. Ambassador." She reached her hand out. "I will give you the piece, in turn you will make a promise to me. You know, that I will hold up the bargain. What will it be? And please, you know you only get the promise after you make the deal. Are you, powerful and mighty Ambassador, willing to gamble on the whims of a Queen past her prime?" [i]This doesn't sound fair,[/i] Mandate did not say, steadily growing warier. Mandate admittedly did not know much about making a deal, but she was fairly certain that making said deal while only one party involved knew the true stakes was a terrible form of deal. That dusty corner of her mind was aggravated, and nervous. Her gaze flickered to the Ambassador, her mouth turning downwards. Odette stared down Titania, she chewed at the inside of her cheek, considering what Titania could really want from her. She had slapped a generous alliance out of her hands before, one that promised protection and resources. Her reputation as The Ambassador grew, more Fey were wary of what Odette offered. What a [i]human[/i] offered. There were options laid out, varying from violence to simple acceptance, rolling with whatever Titania had to throw at her. She knew she could survive it and adapt as she had done so many times before, it surely wasn't her first deal out of her hands she had made nor will it be the last. One last try to change Titania's mind. "[color=thistle]England falls to the wayside and Paris rises in prominence. Fey have settled into Paris to give London's Underground competition. The success I've brought is undeniable, I've built my power and reputation from the ground up.[/color]" Odette took a couple steps forward her tone changing, warming. "[color=thistle]Your Majesty, we may dislike one another, throw barbed words and insults but I would much rather have you as an ally than an enemy. As I took up the name The Ambassador I have always had the Fey's interest at heart. I do not burn bridges, I [i]build[/i] them. Most importantly, I maintain them.[/color]" Her sincerity ringing clear, her hand lifted to the Queen. Fey were difficult, tricky and turbulent in their moods. Earning an alliance, winning an argument, or spending time with them was satisfying for those very same reasons. "[color=thistle]If the promise you intend for me to take is unreasonable, then so be it. If it means being one step closer to building a bridge, the happier I will be.[/color]" She finished bowing her head allowing silence to drive home her words. Titania smiled. "Unreasonable? No. Cruel? Debatable. Necessary? I'm afraid so." She clasped the woman's hand as the thorns and darkness resided. Then her eyes blacked out into dark pools of power. When she spoke next, it was voice of prophecy. The first prophecy from Titania in hundreds of years. “When the foundation shakes. When the world breaks, when the scream catches in your throat, and the demon rises. When smoke chokes the living, and the sky boils. When thorns turn to blades, when one realm become many, and many realms become but one. When you hold silence in your hand, kill it and scream your anguish for the world to hear. This is the promise you make to me, and all of faerie. When it becomes all encompassing, when nothing can breathe underneath it. You must end the Silence." Titania's eyes returned to normal and she gave a slight shiver as the power poured out of her. Mandate had grown even more rigid, if that was possible. Her eye was a red beacon amongst mercurial power, focused singularly upon Titania as she flexed some strange form of power. She had been prepared to act, like a terribly deadly muscle coiled and ready to spring, but the pronouncement of the future that came from the queen left her... Confused. A prophecy, an omen of the future? Did such a thing truly exist? A part of her wished to scream in the negative. Other parts of her were simply mystified, and her silence remained heavy as the questions accumulated. Memories of fortune tellers and tricksters danced in her mind, a far-cry from the figure of power before her. Fascinating. Unnerving. [i]I don't like this.[/i] Bach practically blurted, "[color=darkseagreen][i]Another[/i] prophecy! Puck and now you as well?[/color]" He shrank under his partner's glare. Odette held her hand once Titania let go, the foreboding feeling washing over. This time she held her composure. She glanced again at Titania. "[color=thistle]I can't imagine any of that comes with some clarification?[/color]" "No. You know how these things go. For what it is worth. I wish this all turns out for the best, for all of us. Now, I shall uphold my end of the bargain." She held her hand out and a man stepped forth, previously unfelt and unseen. The man whispered something into her ear. "The piece lies buried under the stones of Stonehenge. I can undo the spell that hides its exact location. But the Guardian, well I guess that is why you brought the Golem." Mandate tilted her head, and her mouth switched into a smile once more. She was to be useful to her friend? And, perhaps, gain the opportunity to tear apart and examine, as she had been hungering for since she had met the ambassador? The golem treasured her friend more than anything, but if there was one flaw in her stay, it was that she had not yet been allowed to rend asunder any curious objects. Perhaps that would change. Bach and Odette shared a look of understanding at the mention of Stonehenge, then eyed the stranger. It would have done them well to be more cautious but this was the Queen's Grove, her rules and magic were terribly difficult to beat short of protecting themselves as Odette had demonstrated earlier with her ward. "[color=thistle]Thank you, Your Majesty for sharing your wisdom and information concerning the piece. I intend to keep that promise, within my understanding of the interpretation. I have been dealing a fair amount with oracles and prophecies as of late. Frustrating as they may be, there's always wiggle room to be found in interpretation.[/color]" Odette smiled with smug confidence then bowed her head one last time. "The grove's beauty travels with you Ambassador. I hope for your sake, that the flower doesn't wilt among the sulfur." She held no hostility or negativity in her words this time. It was more melancholic. As if she knew something she wasn't letting on, but it gnawed at her. The queen turned and left, her strange consort leaving only after the Queen had melded with foliage. Then it spoke. Its voice was wooden, as if the body was not meant for human vocalization. "The Queen mourned for a long time, when her lover died to the Roman's fire. Do not take her promise lightly. You may think you can best her, but her wits have never dulled." And with that the strange creature melded into the foliage as well. As he did, Ambassador would suddenly feel something tug at her, a powerful magical source. The piece of Solomon's Cube, no longer hidden to the world. "[color=thistle][i]I am not a flower to wilt.[/i][/color]" She hissed in Common Fey at the grove where Titania and her familiar disappeared. Turning on her heel she took her leave, her companions falling in step behind her. Outside the Grove she cast a lingering glance at the sanctuary, fingers tapping to a tempo against the leather strap of her purse the prophecy rolling through her mind on repeat, she recorded the prophecy into a voice memo on her smartphone filed it away with Puck's prophecy. "[color=thistle]Doomsayers, prophets and oracles. It would be too soon if I hear another vague mention of the future.[/color]" She muttered staring at the screen. Mandate spoke, the first time she had done so since the group had entered the Queen's domain. [color=LightPink]"You encounter them a lot, Miss Ambassador?"[/color] Her tone was equal parts curious and nervous. She shifted in place, her head tilting as she turned to examine the aforementioned sanctuary. [color=LightPink]"Usually, fortune tellers aren't so important and... Flashy. And magical royalty. Can she really see things of the future, Miss Ambassador?"[/color] What a terrible power to wield, Mandate was certain. "[color=thistle]Mm, they typically aren't. Fey fortunetellers have been spelling my doom for as long as I can remember.[/color]" Odette replied facing Mandate looking up at the Golem whom towered over her. Had she prophecized the coming of that 'Primordial' and never realized until doom had come? Or did she understand her own predictions? [i]I want to tear her open, but it won't tell me anything.[/i] What a sad thought. [i]Or maybe I have to pry her open from a different angle. Will Miss Ambassador approve of that? Magic is just a different layer, right? Would she help, if I asked?[/i] She didn't. However, a more pressing concern came to mind quickly. [color=LightPink]"Also, do things get darker when she is angry? How does she see anything? Royalty always seems to be angry, Miss Ambassador! Or is that an unfair judgement? I've only met a Princess and a Queen. Are they all as mean as that royalty? Are they related?"[/color] Several pressing concerns, rather. The questions had reached a bursting point. Patiently she explained, "[color=thistle]The Grove we were just in, Titania's sanctuary and personal access to the Faerie Realms changes according to her will. If she shows a lot of emotion, her environment changes to reflect that. She's apart of the Grove as the Grove is apart of her. Fey are tricky to deal with, my dear. Royalty more so because of their apparent connection to power. Queen Titania gave us what we wanted and her vague promise left a lot of room for me to work with. A promise to her will be easy when we figure out what she meant, then we bend the rules like a sapling in a hurricane.[/color]" Mandate giggled in response to the Ambassador's metaphor, content with the answers she had received and rolling them in her mind. She took them to mean that she would have to burn the Grove if she wished to see Queen Titania dead, but most of it was simply interesting to her. Although, questions lingered. [color=LightPink]"And what about that 'Guardian' Queen Titania mentioned, Miss Ambassador? Is it something I'll have to break? I'm good at bending things like saplings in hurricanes."[/color] Odette lifted her hands to the sky, calling upon the Arcane Stream to open a portal. As soon as she had a location in mind, the Arcane Stream reacted in such a way that it seemed almost [i]eager[/i]. When the portal formed a short minute later, the door came into existence brightening the area considerably. The magic around her body was crackling across her skin. Bach noticed the intense energy of the portal as well Odette felt the draw even from miles and miles away, the draw of the ancient piece was very strong. "[color=thistle]I expect it will attack on sight now that it's veil has been lifted. Whatever layers of magical protection are surrounding the piece, I will need you to keep the Guardian busy while I work. Stonehenge is a leyline anchor point, the access I will have with the Arcane Stream will be direct.[/color]" Lowering her hands she wore a smug smile, pink tinted lips illuminated by the light. "[color=thistle]I had previous concerns regarding Stonehenge but... No one knows the Arcane Stream quite like I do. [i]Là où il ya une volonté, il ya un moyen.[/i] Where there is a will, there is a way.[/color]"