[h2]Nishimura Yuki[/h2] "Oh, is that true? That's awesome!" Ruru declared, seemingly in response to the little robot's beeping. Yuki stared blankly for a few moments. How could she get anything out of beeping? It wasn't as if the little floating robot wasn't expressive, but how did someone interpret differently-toned beeps? It was just another way her fairy was really weird, in retrospect. With a sigh, Yuki continued onward, in time to see Vivi trip up and Mei rush to his aid. He didn't seem hurt, but there was no harm in making sure, right? Yuki walked up behind them and peered at the both of them. "If Vivi-kun is hurt, Ruru can help out," she added. She might as well make the fairy do something useful, if it came to it. Hopefully, however, it wouldn't come to it. "... And Yuki used to be [i]Yukihiro[/i], but now she's a magical girl!" Speaking of which, Yuki glanced over her shoulder and frowned slightly as she overheard Ruru apparently explaining more to the robot. Well... that would be awkward to explain if anyone had picked up on it. It's not like she minded anymore, but explaining it was still an awkward experience no matter how much she no longer cared. Hopefully no-one noticed Yukihiro was a male name. In fact, maybe she should do something to distract from that awkward talking point. "Oiii, Celestial, er... so you fight monsters and stuff?" Yuki asked, waving her hand to the older, armored girl. It might seem like a jarring subject change, but she'd already offered Ruru's help if Vivi was hurt. [@RolePlayerRoxas] [@Rin] [@Tachi]