Pascal finished to eradicate the weed, the roots of which struck him as fairly flat and web like shape. The poisonous plants seemed to be interconnected. Could it be that with the right counter toxine the plant would have died off? He needed to talk about this with the Apothecary. She was probably more experienced in basic herbal toxins. A glass of fresh juice appeared in his field of vision, and made him startle back… habits. He mumbled a thank you and drinked up. “This weed might grow back later on, I would like to take some samples to find out if there is a way to neutralize it for good. I wouldn’t promise anything, there might be a way. See those mushrooms there? They don’t seem affected by the poison. Do you mind if I pick them up as well?” The farmer nod, the bold shadow’s edge of the hat extended down to his chin. Pascal picked up the mushrooms. The red haired girl was leaning against the fence in relaxation and she introduced herself. Pascal shook her hand politely and answered. “I am Pascal. I have joined the guild quite recently actually. This does seem like a good warmup. In fact, I find these activity quite enjoyable, and fairly easy on my back...” When the chatty fellow came down the hill Pascal recognized him from the guild’s hall. He understood only inklings of his speech, and tried to puzzle them all together into something coherent. Mable spoke, and he finally understood what was going on. A boar hunt. “You seem a capable fellah. I would join you gladly, if you could just wait for us to get back to the Guild and finish up this business.” The red haired girl had taken off by then. Pascal offered the pouch filled with plants and mushrooms to the tough man. “Actually, would you care helping me carry this, if so we might get onto the next job in short order.” He raised his brows waiting for the man’s reaction. [@Masterkeun][@Big Dread][@Heap241]