As Marc prepped his TIE his com came to life [b]"Sorry Marc. Stupid doctor droid insisted on doing my exam or I wouldn't be cleared for flight. On the way to hangar bay now. Meet you there, you'll have to catch me up on the briefing."[/b] with a chuckle he responded [b]"Copy that, Didn't miss much standard orbital superiority ...Hurry up though the captain doesn't like it when pilots aren't on time, even with an excuse" [/b] He said as he ran through the final few steps of his start up procedure. [b][i]Well here we go...[/i][/b] he thought as his thoughts drifted to his daughter. [b][i]Feels like forever since I held you in my arms...I miss you sweet heart[/i][/b] he thought. Slowly he started to think of the last time he had seen his family. It was the day he was ordered to report for duty. who would have thought he would end up as an elite TIE pilot. Back then he was destined for some nowhere posting, killed off by pirates raiding whatever corvette ship he served on. Thankfully by luck and alot of hard work he was accepted into the Starfighter corp [b][i]Angela...At least i know you are living well.[/i][/b] he thought as he looked forward to reading the message he had received only moments before he had boarded his fighter. [hr] As Marc flew alongside his wing in the back of the formation man his Com roared to life[b]"This is Aurek Leader! Six rebel fighters just-"[/b] The Captains voice was suddenly cut off as he noticed several shots impact the captains Fighter and suddenly exploded as a group of X-wing fighters jumped into the area and engaged the Imperial forces. With the sudden attack The other Imperial pilots scrambled and moved to engage the enemy. [b]"This is Aurek four engaging, Jinnau you with me? I'm gonna need help"[/b] he said as he split off and started chasing an X wing. The X-wing pilot had to be inexperienced as the pilot didn't notice Marc until he had opened fire. while most of the shots were dissipated on impact on with the deflector shield one round scorched the upper right wing. [b][i]Great... well this got tougher... [/i][/b] he thought bitterly as the X-wing pilot began trying to Shake Marc. As Marc dogged the pilot, he realized it was a matter of time before The pilot's wing man came and helped him.