[center][h2]Reisen Udongein Inaba[/h2] [i]Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12[/i][/center] The man in front of Reisen seemed to [i]ooze[/i] ego as he spoke, which was not exactly a particularly joyful experience to deal with. Danmaku was meant to be a battle of visual beauty, not one of pure strength, so calling it 'picturesque but dismal' was half accurate--that much, she could admit. Granted, it was also only her first Spell Card, and there was something about 'escalating difficulty' that had been drilled into her head about the rules when she came here. But the rest of his words left the rabbit with a great deal of mixed feelings about how everything played out. Danmaku rules were in play to make sure nobody got hurt and that everyone had a fighting chance, but tuning the damage of her bullets up to match the lack of rules... That was the part that felt weird to her. Maybe it was because she wasn't used to having to fight for her life as of late, but at the very least she'd have to fight to disable and, quite possibly, kill. Not something to look forward to. "From where I come from, danmaku is less about combat and more about visual beauty. Though I do admit my own are a bit static..." the Lunarian trailed off before shaking her head and staring straight back at the man. "In any case, they did what they needed to, and that's all that matters. What about you, then? Was there any merit in speaking to me to begin with, or were you just here to laugh over something that didn't concern you?" The faint sounds of insane laughter caught Reisen's attention, if only momentarily, before she decided to ignore it for the time being. She wasn't in the mood to be dealing with another lunatic so soon after the last. [@Raineh Daze][@TheFake] [hr] [center][h2]Sogiita Gunha[/h2] [i]District 10[/i][/center] The student's eyes widened in realization as the woman turned, the somewhat-familiar glow of energy setting off alarms in his head as he looked at the line of fire that the beam was aimed at. It was one thing to fire it straight at him, but another to fire it at the buildings around him (and the people in that area by extension). But then his enemy swung her head as she let the beam loose, which caused Gunha to pause for a moment as he attempted to figure out how to deal with it. It took a moment, but the answer was obvious in retrospect. "So... Just gotta match guts with guts, huh? In a battle like that, I ain't gonna go down that easy, though! AMAZING PUNCH GUARD!" As the laser beam began to move towards his head, Gunha let go of the monster's tail and cocked back for a punch. When it was a few millimeters away from his body, the young esper let loose an overhead swing, sending the laser careening straight into the ground in front of him. His knuckles seemed to be smoking slightly, granted, but guts would probably make them right as rain soon enough. With that problem dealt with, Gunha took another step back before launching himself at the woman, tossing a punch with all his might to see if he couldn't get a less instinctive reaction out of her. Punching someone back to their senses always worked out, right? [@Lmpkio][@AstroLu]