[@VitaVitaAR] [@Masterkeun] [@Wraithblade6] [h1][color=39b54a]Luigi- Sector 2[/color][/h1] "You're...sorry..." Luigi says, blinking a few times. He then suddenly grew red in the face, as veins bulged in his face, his rage causing a physical change. "You're sorry?! Like hell you are, you disgusting warp spawn bastard! You know who you should be sorry to? The Emperor, because he's the only one who'd accept that bullshit at this point, and you, dragon man, you can't forgive him. Because of him, countless worlds have been destroyed! Countless human lives lost to daemons, their souls consumed! He is a monster, though and though. No forgiveness, no regret, only death will suffice!" Luigi screams out, marching forwards. Quickly stopping to pick up his chainblade, Luigi set his sights on the wounded primearch. "You die here, Magnus. This world will be your grave. I, Luigi Vile, Acolyte of the Inquistion, will kill you here. It might now be now, but you can't run from me. Your sins, will be punished." Luigi growls, moving forwards. "Come you two, we must finish this. This monster has killed women, children, the elderly. Any that would satiate his sick and twisted hunger for suffering, and souls. Whatever remorse he displays, is simply a trick. Thousands of years of hate doesn't dry up like this...Die, you Tzeentchian bastard!" Luigi roars, charging, chainsword raised. However, Luigi knew he'd do little. He waited, he knew that if Magnus attacked him here, now, after that, it'd drive the others to action. His sacrifice would fuel the death of Magnus, the daemon prince. This was worth infinitely more than his life, and he knew it. The blow to chaos would save so many lives! A martyr to the cause, his blood would be that which wrote Magnus's end. A fitting end, Luigi thought. So little did he know of what's truly going on, and how little this would mean.