[@LiegeLord] "I think so too," she agreed as she noticed him moving away from her slightly. She meant what she said, even though she didn't want to rely on James so much that she'd be helpless without him. Still, she hoped James wouldn't think she was weird for telling him so. She wondered if now might not have really been the time to say it and that was why he gave her space. He didn't seem that put off however. At the time, she meant it in a more friendly end of the spectrum. But as she took a moment to think about it more, she smiled shyly towards the fire pit. She supposed there was more to it than that, more than she was ready to say currently. Right now though, she just hoped to not embarrass herself while canoeing. To that end, she considered that it might be best to be positioned behind James for the activity, lest she possibly end up accidentally paddling water at him if he was behind her.