Valdis sighed, having readied his ship for launch for the second time in the past twenty minutes, he really ought to get a droid for tasks like this. He was waiting for Maria to return before they set out on their recruitment mission, or would it be extraction? since their target was already a Jedi, either way the ship was going nowhere until her return. He stood up and walked out the ramp, looking around the port in case she was near, spotting her talking to a Mirialan nearby. He made his way over, ignoring the looks he recieved from some of the other republic mechanics and pilots, despite being a jedi the fact that he was also a Mandalorian still got him suspicious looks and cautious glares, and the armor didn't help. "Everything is ready to go, we can leave when your ready but we should go soon" he eyes another glaring mechanic out of the corner of his helmets visor "else less friendly Mandalorians get to our jedi first" He then looked to the Mirialan, whom he didn't recognize as being on the mission originally "Will you be joining us?" [@Sohtem][@DirtyDingo] [hr] Atan stood on a small balcony area overlooking what amounted to an underground courtyard in the center of the few rooms and quarters dedicated to the Zeison Sha in the enclave. Right now some of the Zeison Sha warriors were training new initiates on the use of the discblade, some of the initiates had even been padawans from the order here, a point of tension between The Jedi and the Zeison Sha. Such tensions were inevitable, what with the two ideologies moving in together, though they are, thankfully, minor, the most he's had to deal with is two or three incidents of a Jedi knight accusing them of 'stealing' or 'seducing' their padawan but otherwise it was usually debates over clashing ideas, and Atan did his best to make sure it didn't escalate past that. Right now, however, if he remembered correctly, Master Antilles had called for a meeting of the Jedi council in charge of this enclave, and though he was not a Jedi himself, as the pseudo-head of the Zeison Sha here he was called to participate. He should probably start on his way there now. He turned around and walked back into his quarters, setting datapad on a desk against the wall and heading out the other door.