[center][h3][color=silver]Ryoshi Hanamaru[/color][/h3] Interacting with: Ivo Ebonvuk ([@AimeChambers])[/center] [color=silver]"So you are ashamed because of personal reasons - because of yourself and that you just cannot accept the fact that you cannot control it. I see."[/color] Those were the first words that came out of Ryoshi's mouth. He shook his head and said, [color=silver]"It is no problem at all. Aiding students is part of the job."[/color] Once all the elements were thrown out, it isn't exactly hard to understand what the young werewolf was going through. However, Ryoshi had not experienced this kind of thing. When he had discovered of his powers to shapeshift into something, it hadn't been too hard to control it. It was an innate ability among his species which few found to be difficult to learn. Given this, the male shapeshifter did not know what to do to help him. So he decided to explain his situation. [color=silver]"Young werewolf, I must tell you this. I am a shapeshifter. Transforming into something is something that I do everyday. This comes naturally to me, and there isn't any other form besides the whole form that I can shapeshift into. Now, this ability is something that I have been training to do ever since I was a young child."[/color] He started with those mere words before shooting a glance up at the clock to make sure that he wasn't holding up the student he was conversing with. Seeing that there was still ample time for him to unpack and get used to the school, he looked back at him. [color=silver]"The reason I told you this is because I can most likely help you control your transformation. If anything, so you can train more without being reprimanded by other teachers. However, I must ask you to go and seek Guidance Counselor Eryn first. I am sure he already knows of your problem by now, given how strong his hearing is."[/color] He then shot a glance at the guidance counselor to gauge his reaction. Eryn had shared this with him a couple of years prior - how he manages to know what the problem is before the student even comes to him. He had superior hearing and was probably sitting in the courtyard to list down those students who were having problems. While Ryoshi originally thought that what Eryn was doing was a breach in privacy, he soon came to appreciate it as it helps the students open up. Or get angry. [color=silver]"He will surely help you better than I."[/color]