[center][h1]The Antari People[/h1][/center] [b]Turn Action:[/b] [i]G) Prospect the land[/i] Resolving the problem of the storehouse: Make the man a servant or yanacona of the Amari Asto and he will work in the fields more than others , if he performs well he will be given his previous rank in society as citizen. His family is to be untouched and Manco will designate someone to check and treat the man's son. After that, Amari Asto discussed with Manco about the resources available to them and most would be consumed sooner than later , so Manco advised to send people to explore the land, in search for wood , stone and copper, especially stone, since in the continent in which Manco lived there were few forests and stone tools had been dominant until the invention of iron and steel. He sent two groups one to the mountains composed of 5 men and other to the forest composed of three men. With that done it would only be matter of time if the people of Antari would be lucky enough to have resources to start working on new tools and improve their quality of life.