Pascal collected the reward from Athena, together with another white folder. While walking towards the apothecary he thought how quaint that Serigan fellow was. A smirk appeared on his face: “russtle up s'm bacon” heh! The more he thought about it the funnier it became. He took his leave briefly in order to conclude his business with Hygiea. When he entered the room, he recognized at once the familiar red hair. “Mable!” he called, then, when she turned to him, he realized he had nothing to say. He waved awkwardly. Then he finally remembered that Athena gave him her part of the reward in a white folder. “Here, this is for you. I am just surprised Athena trusted me with this...” Beyond the counter Hygiea was checking some herbs. There was another figure in the room, a monk of sorts. He waited until the man had finished, then he approached the counter, gesturing to Mable to come closer too. He unraveled the content of the pouches on the table and divided the mushrooms on the side. “We have been to the farm, and eradicated these toxic plants. I found these mushrooms unaffected, so I was wondering if it’s possible to use their spores to neutralize the toxine for good. And also…. Wait… what did you want to do with these plants, Mable? ” [@Big Dread][@Heap241][@Queentze][@Masterkeun]