[quote=@LitCabbit] [@Arkaotic] If a forest fire is not required then very well [/quote] I'm gonna post soon, but I'll be sure to leave a space for you to enter in case you decide to bring her into the conflict. On the one hand, it seems really ridiculous to have another barge in. Aren't we in the fucking woods? But on the bright side, your character being involved feels natural: she fits in with the group. :confused [hr] [quote=@Emuxe] Crow be like: [img] https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/15970031_10211468287933998_1977392091_n.gif?_nc_ad=z-m&oh=1fc6513f262247a49721d352f8439373&oe=58773D0E[/img] [/quote] And then, when he tosses it to Shertul: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a5/5a/72/a55a722aa62e42816ff6584f79a633c9.jpg [/img] P.S. [quote=My C.S.]Maintaining the extra limbs, magical eyes and ears, [b][i]poison[/i][/b] and disease immunity,[/quote] Remember when I mentioned that he's immune to poison? That also means he can't really get drunk. Dunno if [@Arkaotic]realized that when he had Crow toss Shertul a bunch of alcohol, but now Shertul has to act all pissy about it :lol [hr] EDIT: By the way, [@Soragoku], don't wait on me to post because I don't have anything for Windleaf to say.