[center][h2] - Set Harth, District 14 - [/h2][/center] [center][@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@Lmpkio][/center] Interesting. What an interesting opportunity. What an interesting time. At first he had thought this to be a place to escape, but clearly he was missing out on a golden opportunity. Oh, what a stunningly interesting place this was turning out to be! Set couln't hide the grin from his lips as he looked over the feared Sith Lord. The dark lord Vader, second only to Darth Sidious within the Galactic Empire. A failed organisation attempting to live up to a legacy to great for them. This was not the Vader who had died aboard the Death Star, by his master's side. This was another Vader, an unknown, an impossible, moreso even than his supposed resurrection. If this world was drawing people here from across the universe, from all over the vast realm of space, then why not the realm of time? Once you've started, why stop? What laws of physics would this phenomena not ignore? It seemed he was now confronted by the living symbol of a bygone age, and being invited into an empire that had died a long time ago. It was surreal, it was beautiful. Of course, the second surprise came not long after the others, as it was revealed that Reihnardt- no, both of his new companions, were aware of Vader's name, as well as being aware of the Force. Had he misjudged them? Was it perhaps he who had been played for the fool? No, that could not be - he would have sensed such deception. But what if they were not from some other world, from some strange place beyond the borders of the galaxy? What if they were from the future, a future even he had not yet seen? If Vader could appear from the past, then why not the future as well. With but a single sentence, Vader had made this situation far more complicated. How excellent. There was so much here, so much to see, so much to learn. He would have to add them all to his... collection. "Revered Lord Vader, I am humbled by so grand a gesture. Certainly it would be an honour to be at the side of two of the greatest Sith in history. But my answer is made moot by the fact that the Empire is fallen, and the Emperor dead. The Death Star destroyed by the Rebel Alliance, and the Galactic Empire overthrown by the New Republic." As Set spoke he removed from his belt his lightsaber, a long and elegant design, but alien to this Vader, who had only seen lightsabers designed by the Sith and Jedi of old. This was a standard Firebrand-style hilt of the New Jedi Order, taken from a Knight with the misfortune to investigate the wrong ancient legend. It was a jet-black design with a thick, stable grip. Holding it out, Firebrand stares down the Sith Lord, emboldened by this knowledge. "Dear Lord Vader, while I am certain this must be confusing for you, you are a relic of the past. And here you are outnumbered, outclassed, and outdated. An outmoded model, fit only for the shelves of a collector. So why not the greatest collector the galaxy has to offer?" Set glanced about at his two companions, confident that they would support him in this battle, even if they would question him afterwards. After all, if they knew even the slightest thing about Vader, they would know that he was both evil, and a dangerous opponent. There would be time for explanation if they survived this ordeal. "With the pleasantries out of the way, let's get serious here. My answer, formally, is no. But more important is the retort." With a flashing smile Set dropped his guard completely, bright green eyes shining mischievously from between white locks of hair. "How about instead, you join my empire? Either as an ally... or as a limited-edition collectable."