[@1Hawkeyes] Edmond chuckled as Helen sat down and spoke. [color=fff200]"Well your trick wasn't that bad."[/color] Edmond then continued to make shapes in his hand. He would sometimes do this when he was bored, but he really did feel calm around its flames. He then caught Helena looking at his hands as he made shapes. She then looked into his eyes which sent fire upon his ears. He stopped the fire in his hands for a minute and patted down hs ears then looked at Helena. [color=fff200]"Well that was strange."[/color] He chuckled. When she looked at him he somewhat flushed but why did his ears set on fire? He then faced Helena with a smile as he holds out both hands that were on fire. [color=fff200]"So what do you want me to make?"[/color] His legs lightly touched hers as he held out his hands.