[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/death-star.regular_zpsuxsr3anq.png[/img] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Vader_zpsrglvsq9b.png[/img] [b]Mention:[/b] [@thewizardguy], [@Raineh Daze], [@VitaVitaAR] District 22 [hr][hr][/center] [b][i]"Vader! Your days of villainy are at an end! Reinhardt Wilhelm shall face you in glorious combat and bring you to your senses!"[/i][/b] [i]"Hehehe, we're not going to be so insignificant compared to the power of the dark side! Do you find our lack of faith disturbing?!""[/i] The Dark Lord of the Sith continues to look straight ahead, his mask showing no emotion, which underneath would be a disfigured face frowning in disappointment. It wasn't surprising for them to know of his existence, even if their armor is the most unique in the entire galaxy. He recalls no other armor that resemble's Reinhardt's, other then possible sith armor being forged thousands of years ago, and recalls no walker-type that matches Dva's. Vader was quite intrigued. Of course, they could simply be old relics being forged into these neo-machines. They didn't scare him. They do not wield the force. They are ultimately nothing compared to the power of the dark side. If only they knew Set Harth's origins and how even he is a sith of his own. However, Set Harth would reply back, stating how the Empire has fallen, the Emperor having perished, the Death Star shattered, all being replaced by a new "Galactic Republic". Only one of which Set had said was true. The Imperial Superweapon was indeed destroyed, by a lucky shot from a rebel pilot. One couldn't have simply launched a proton torpedo into that exhaust port by chance. The pilot must have been force-sensitive and Vader knows this. During that fateful day, down in the trench run while flying in his own Tie Advanced Fighter, the very same one he crashed landed in, he would've been able to destroy him. He had him in his sights. Yet it was only due to the Millennium Falcon that distracted him sending him hurtling into deep space. But the rest of what the other sith said were false. Both his Master and his Empire are far from dead and the Rebellion was currently on the run from the Imperials, forced to retreat from their secret base on Yavin 4. Yet it sounded far from being a simple bluff. Harth mentioned this as if he knows the future. Did he use the force to see the future? He couldn't have. Despite his expertise in sith sorcery, only the most powerful and wise of force sensitives can see into the future through meditation. Harth wasn't that powerful. But what if he practiced himself over the course of the thousand and so years to gain this ability? Then again, it also pushed Vader to think... that this Set Harth may not of this universe. He could be from an alternate Universe. It seemed almost certain. In fact, as he takes out his lightsaber, Vader can instantly notice that the hilt's design is rather alien in design. It was unlike any lightsaber he has ever seen. It was jet-black in design with a thick, stable grip. He must've created it himself, as he recalls no other such hilt design from any other jedi or sith prior to himself. The rival mocks him, saying that he's [i]'outnumbered, outclassed, and outdated. An outmoded model...'[/i] and that he should join [b]his[/b] little Empire instead. This was mostly a bluff on Harth's part, or so Vader thinks, yet he can feel the anger rising rapidly throughout his body. To be mocked by an inferior sith, one said to have died thousands of years ago, was rather insulting. Yet at the same time, Vader realizes that Harth is completely off guard. He will not go off without punishment... or rather THEY. Then, without any notice, the three would sense something clinging to their throats. It would at first feel rather minor, as if the air around them got thinner... and thinner... and thinner... They will soon realize that they are choking, as if someone was clinging to their throats, only that no one was physically choking them. They also begin to feel themselves be lifted from the ground and into the air. Vader remains silent, his breathing being the only audible sound within the vicinity once again. The three were grasped in the Sith Lord's infamous force ability, one he has been using even during the Clone Wars. The Force Choke. And he's been getting a little too good at it. [b]"Your arrogance blinds you, boy."[/b] Vader responds menacingly as he still keeps in place, [b]"The Empire is far from disbanded. And you... you own nothing. Just two insignificant units you found at the bottom of the barrel, along with a small plethora of useless sith artifacts. You rely almost solely on these trinkets and nothing else. Maybe if you relied on less of them and more with the raw force like I have, perhaps you would have the satisfaction in beating your old master... Darth Zannah."[/b] [hr] [center][@PKMNB0Y][@AstroLu] [h1][b][color=A9A9A9]Gojira-Sama[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Gojira-San_zpsnfmv1nxd.png[/img] [i]Section 10[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Gojira-San's atomic breath was strong, but her opponent was able to deflect it by simply punching it. It was a rather impressive feat for someone like Gunha. The gijinka looks at him in slight surprise, only to make her even more pissed off at her current position. Despite the hallucinations finally ceasing, her animalistic wrath was already at almost max level. She growls menacingly at the challenger as she suddenly issues a roar of challenge. As her opponent leaps at her to issue a punch of his own, Gojira-Sama would throw in a swipe of her own, connecting with her opponent's fist as well, causing a wrath impressive shockwave to endure. Having blunted his attack, the gijinka suddenly uses her free hand to try and issue a swipe of her own towards Gunha's face, which would have him flying back a good meter if it is to hit him.