[color=FFFF00]B e l l e D ' V o i r e[/color] [hr] Winter, Evander, and Christine. Memories, Ice, and...something. Chris hadn't engaged at the dance, or in any of the group's classes for that matter, and her general attitude made Belle wonder about how much of an advantage her team's extra person actually was. Her new knowledge of Sebastian and Aiden certainly weighed their chances heavily, although it did also give her some idea on strategy. She measured her options while the others discussed. Winter chirped up first, probably trying to break the tension that lied between the two girls. [color=f08080]"So, where should we hide our flag and what should everyone do? I'm pretty fast and agile, so I could probably be part of the hunting party, but I'll leave it up to you all if you have a better strategy."[/color] Belle nodded slowly. Evander replied. [color=0000FF]"I think a preferred place where we could hide the flag is probably a place where there's only one 'entrance'. You know, like there's a wall behind them so the defender could probably see where the enemies would come from. As for what I can do, I'm flexible. Just tell me where to go." [/color] Belle chimed in. [color=FFFF00]"Under a knot of roots, inside a tree hollow, hidden in a thorn-bush. Somewhere out of sight and awkward to get to. But they'll have 360 degrees of access no matter where we put it, so we should defend it from where we have the most vision of the area - that's from height or distance."[/color] Carefully - Evander and Chris were still unaware of the true purpose of Jonas' group - Belle flexed muscles, reaching out to the innumerable insects that swarmed this forest. She could almost feel their response, a low murmur of chittering legs and beating wings. [i]Yes, Queen[/i] it said. [color=FFFF00]"Evander, you should defend. Sebastian's too full of himself to hang back and I have a feeling Aiden's got something to prove on this trip, so I'll expect both of them to be coming after the flag. Winter, Chris and I will swarm Brynn. Three against one shouldn't be a problem."[/color] She looked around, trying to spot the particular insect she wanted. She found it quickly, carefully focusing to isolate it. [color=FFFF00]"Reckon we ca-"[/color] Belle stopped mid-sentence as a roaring gust of fire erupted from the trees on the other side of the clearing, the smell of roasting wood and a great belch of smoke quickly following. Belle lost her train of thought completely, flashing back to the dance for a split-second, to the terror and helplessness. [i]You are not helpless, Queen.[/i] [color=FFFF00]"Winter, Chris, we're going. Evander, you're staying, and [i]prepare[/i] yourself. Aiden is not playing as a team-building exercise."[/color] With the sharp command issued, Belle carefully hurried into the woods, back towards the clearing but on a path to skirt its edges. The fireflies she had isolated previously split up, spreading dots of light across the trees and shrubbery. Around her feet, millipedes and spiders followed her wake, while out of sight there was the low hum of wasp and fly wings. Aiden was dangerous, and Belle was preparing to subdue. She just hoped she didn't need to.