[h2]Reinhardt Wilhelm[/h2] There were lots of things that you could say about the German: that he seemed to have his head in the clouds, that his interest in honour and glory was centuries out of date, that he was more than a bit overconfident. Yet he wasn't just a veteran of the Omnic Crisis: he had been part of the strike group to bring it to an end, one that then spent years on the lines of battle until being made to retire and, despite his age, he was in phenomenal shape. Unlike many might have when realising they were being lifted and choked, he responded in the only way that made sense. Those old movies were really coming in handy. Hands tightened around his hammer's grip and brought the rocket-propelled above his head. A foolish move, one might think, for a [i]hammer[/i] but this was no ordinary weapon: on the rapid downstroke, fire surged forth, a burning arc rushing for the Sith Lord. Even if that didn't get Vader to break his grip, let him hold [i]this[/i]. The jet on the Crusader armour's back burst into life, surging with enough force to send a wall of metal skimming across the ground as if it was covered in ice. [@Lmpkio][@thewizardguy][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] [color=gold][h2]Gilgamesh[/h2][/color] The reason for the ineffective patterns was [i]visual appeal[/i]? Though many things were at their most beautiful in dire circumstances or pushed to the edge, a deliberately poor assault merely to look good from an angle the combatants could never hope to see struck the King as worthless. Perhaps if one could find a judge then it would have some meaning. It was unfortunate that this girl was the only one from her world, else he could take that role. [color=gold]"I was not the first to speak, rabbit. My presence here was to find if others had been summoned like I, as this is not the summoning ritual I am used to,"[/color] the Servant pointed out, face twisting into a frown, [color=gold]"Which seems to have broken the rules of such things and summoned from unrelated worlds."[/color] The frown only got more pronounced with the encroaching mad laughter, which got a glare and a very unsubtle threat, [color=gold]"If you do not cease that at once, then I will put you down like a mad beast."[/color] [@PKMNB0Y][@TheFake]