*Tchack* "Aaaargh!" Smokey cried out as Rithrynn's arrow hit him square in the lower left of his back, as the dwarf fumbled forward, both in pain and surprise. The rotten wood beneath his foot suddenly broke, causing the dwarf to stumble flat on his belly and roll halfway out into the knee deep, muddy water below him. "I curse ye you long eared lout! I'll, aiii!" But Smokey's train of swear words was abruptly cut short again, this time not by Rithrynn. The dwarf suddenly seemed to be struggling with one of his feet below the water. Shaking and tearing himself around while holding onto the wooden board, the oval head shape and two large, glossy eyes of a murloc suddenly emerged from the foul water. Its jaw was locked around Smokey's left foot, which the dwarf kicked around in an attempt to get the beast off. "This is just the best, this is just the best!" Smokey cursed his luck as he found his oversized filet knife, raised it into the air, and brought it down right on the top of the Murloc's skull. The knife cut through some of the bone, enough to reach the brain and the Murloc suddenly became motionless and immediately let go of the dwarf's leg. But Smokey had barely managed to turn back to the board by the time another murloc suddenly jumped out of the water, clamping its jaws around his left arm with the result that the dwarf let out a cry of pain yet again. The dwarf shaked his arm, and the oversized fish man around as much as he could; until suddenly a tentacle shot up from the water below him and grabbed the murloc by the foot, and snatched it right back into the water, leaving large, red gashes all across the dwarf's arms. Quickly scrambling back onto the board, Smokey turned around and swung his filet knife just in time as another tentacle shot up from the water; chopping it in half. Staggering back away from the murky waters, he promtly aimed his gun at Rithrynn who was standing far away. "Ohh I'm gonna get'cha for,- ahhh, what'tha 'ell?!" But when Smokey pressed the trigger, a short fizz came from the soaked blunderbuss. The dwarf looked confused down at it for a moment, shaking it around; before the back barrel suddenly exploded, showering Smokey's right face with metal fragments, glass and all sorts of other nasty trash he had loaded his rifle with. The dwarf was thrown back into the brick wall behind him where he smashed his head, and collapsed into a heap on the floor. ---------------------------- Donald ran through the narrow tunnel. It was nothing more than a pathway, barely large enough to support two people in it, and full of turns and loops. But as he ran, he suddenly heard a metallic click further up the tunnel, like the sound of someone turning a lock. As he rounded the next corner, he arrived to find the tunnel blocked by a metal fence and door. The assassin rushed up to it and pulled out a key and tried to insert it into a lock. Donald fumbled frantically with the old key and lock, desperately attempting to make it fit in, but the more he tried to insert the key into the lock; the more he realized that it didn't match. "No-nono... Silver, you fool. What have you done! You changed the lock!" Donald exclaimed as he tried to ram the key violently into the locker, but failed and simply lost the key as it fell to the floor. Raising his hands to his hood, he turned to gaze up at the metal bars keeping him from going any further, and the sounds he heard coming from behind from the closing sentinels. "Oh-nononononoononoo... you didn't, you didn't just do that, you... " Donald muttered, before suddenly kicking the metal bars in rage, but they didn't budge. "FUUUUCK! FUCK YOU SILVER! YOU SCREWED ME OVER! Open this door NOW! Fuck!" The assassin cried out in rage at the bars, grabbing them and shaking them violently to no avail. Turning his back against the bars, Donald peered at the corridor he had come from with a pale face. "Fuck my life... " --------------------- "It seems we have no choice then... " Sharon mumbled as he stared back at Shani. What she had said was right. They were probably not going to be able to catch up with Serphia or any of her warriors unless they allowed them to. There was no telling how far they had gone. Sharon agreed that they would probably have to return to this crossroad at some point. "Look, once we get back, we'll talk about this." The High Elf said, turning slowly towards Liaena. But just as he did, he suddenly heard distant screaming from the nearby tunnels around them. The High Elf paused, holding up his hand in a 'did you just hear that' posture to Liaena. But while Sharon was standing in the middle of Shani and Liaena, trying to hear what was going on, a shade moved in the a darkness behind Shani. Emerging straight out of a solid brick wall was the spectral reflection of the face of a young, long haired woman. Most of her body was barely visible in the low light environment of the sewer aside from a weak, blue glow. As the banshee emerged completely from the wall, a cold breeze began to fill the room. The spirit didn't make any noise beyond a quiet hustling noise as it floated gently across the muddy floor beneath, approaching Shani from behind. Moving a ghostly hand up over the Night Elf's shoulder, the Night Elf began to become aware that something was off, but before Shani could turn around, a sharp shriek suddenly filled the tunnel as the banshee flew straight inside of the Night Elf, causing her to stumble a couple of feet forward with head facing down towards the ground. But as 'Shani' slowly raised her head again, her annoyed expression had completely been wiped off her face. Instead, her silvery eyes were whiter than ever, and her face was completely devoid of any emotion. The sentinel slowly turned her head, gazing over Sharon's shoulder at Liaena. As the Night Elf gazed at Liaena, a wicked smile began to form around 'Shani's' mouth, as a look of recognition appeared in her now bleak eyes. Slowly moving one hand down to her waist, 'Shani' began to clasp around the hilt of the dagger at her hip where she stood behind Sharon. Sharon, on the other hand, seemed more interested in Liaena; having ignored Shani for the greater part. Throwing the human girl a curious stare, Sharon edged a question in her way. "Liaena, are you alright? You look as though you've seen a ghost."