[h2]D.Va[/h2] Of course, the excitement of seeing Darth Vader was soon tempered by the fact that Darth Vader is a villain, and that a long mocking tirade from someone who was, judging by what she was hearing, probably a villain as well was bound to lead to a serious fight. For a moment, D.Va was surprised when she felt a sudden pressure on her throat, the air no longer entering her lungs... but, of course, she'd seen the movies. Darth Vader's force choke was really pretty difficult to forget about. And unlike the victims in the movies(and the numerous games where you got force powers), D.Va had more then enough ways to immediately fight back. Even as she was beginning to choke, she knew that just struggling helplessly wouldn't help now! As Reinhardt began to charge, D.Va slammed her thumbs down and opened fire, the characteristic sound of her guns echoing loudly through the streets as the clusters of teal bullets tore towards the Sith Lord. She tried to keep her aim out of Reinhardt's path, but it was admittedly difficult when she was being choked. Still, something was bound to make Vader stop choking, be it a forced dodge, Reinhardt's impact, or her guns firing! Something, before it got too hard to breath! [@Raineh Daze] [@Lmpkio] [@thewizardguy]