[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NeeWKCw.png[/img][/center] [center][u]In[/u][/center] [center][u][b]Blood Confusion[/b][/u][/center] Once again, Barron was left agast. Clearly something had gone horribly awry, but what he had no clue. Although as he thought on it he contemplated just how things could have turned so badly. He was polite to the flesh bags, observed common courtesy or so he mused. He knew he did come across a little jerkish nothing that would warrant this extreme of a reaction still he decided he had overstayed his welcome. [color=cd0000]”Fine, fine. I’ll leave, this isn’t how you show proper social etiquette when in public. Erecting a wall is plain rude I’ll have you know, and so is freaking out like I have the black plague. It is not how one makes friends, and considering how hostile this environment is I shall take my leave. But I shall return, around seven O’ clock. It’s when I come over for dinner at his house.”[/color] Barron said pointing towards the wolfed out Benjamin. Before he turned on his heel and allowed what shreds of his wall to return to his bloodstream. There was something infuriating being treated like a fiend when he had yet to do anything wholly evil let alone mischievous. Although creating a prison of blood might be on the naughty side Barron shrugged it off as he walked down the same halls he entered, where a Security Guard came rushing down post haste the opposite direction. “You there! What were you doing down there!” He said adjusting his hat and reaching for a taster. Barron sighed, before his eyes were encompassed in a crimson glow.[color=cd0000]”Dealing with Mortals is always a pain. Obey my weighted words you insolent whelp!”[/color] The Guard stood entranced as he fell to the sway of the Vampire’s power. His posture slacked, his brain shut off and numbly he walked forward. [color=cd0000]”You will ignore all that you see before you. Nothing is out of place and no damage has been done. You see nothing but an empty room behind me, now go. Do your job and report to your superiors. I have a call to place.”[/color] The Security Guard nodded, his mind wiped clean of any other thoughts as he entered the back room much to the surprise of everyone inside and spoke into his radio. “Checking the alarms now. No perps in sight, could just be a dumb prank.” Before sliding it back into his belt clip and inspecting the door. There was a slight hesitation from Barron but he returned to the room with Ben, the Witch and the others were. [color=cd0000]”Welcome by the way.”[/color] Before he made his second exit and pulled his phone out of his pocket. [color=cd0000]”Your Babysitter for the new Wolf hasn’t quite done his job. And a section of wall within the Natural History Museum is gone, related incidents. Apparently they do not like Vampires, not a bit.”[/color] The woman on the other end took her time to respond, the information that Barron relayed took it’s toll on her, as she desperately remembered what protocol for just such an event. “Who are you. And are you saying your presence escalated into a class four action the destruction of public property?” [color=cd0000]”Are you daft. What part about missing a wall do you not understand. And it’s Barron. Barron Vanderbilt. I was just on a leisurely jaunt through the local Museum when the unfortunate happened.”[/color] Barron said as he continued this conversation as he took his walk back to his car.