[@Masterkeun][@VitaVitaAR][@supertinyking] [center][h2] - Daemon Magnus -[/h2][/center] [center]Lord of Change[/center] [center]- Area 2 -[/center] The dragon-man's understanding and forgiveness was unusual. If Magnus had been planning on tricking him, he would have immediately spied this act as an obvious counter-trick, played by the dragon to get Magnus to lower his guard. However, since it was so obviously a counter-trick, it was probably actually a counter-counter-trick, which would mean that Magnus would have to pretend that he didn't already know in order for it not to work on him. Ah, but how many layers of trickery were there in the Great Game? Only the sharpest could tell... But, Magnus wasn't in the warp or playing any Great Game right now. He was stuck in static space where time was straight and change was permanent, and things were different here. The blue-haired boy was just simply, purely forgiving. Magnus could read his intentions; it was almost dull. Still, given the way that holy fire had hurt him, he wasn't keen on provoking him. There was no point in it anyway. The girl with the unique sword that could cut through daemonflesh, as well as his supremely magically reinforced armor, was still holding it toward him, but it was her other, smaller sword that was the one that had done something significant. It had reminded him of things and cleared the storm of emotion and raw chaos that had blinded him up until now. He saw clearly his past, his present, and even his future up to the point that it remained in flux. Chaos itself had been controlling him for a very long time, and now he had back some measure of sanity. He knew now what he wanted. Luigi, the human, charged forward, lashing Magnus with denigrations. He picked up his chainsword, and as he raised it heroically, a glowing eye turned to him. Without warning, his foot suddenly slipped. That is, his foot met no ground underneath it as he ran and kicked backward like a dog swimming. Yet Luigi did not fall. His other foot likewise slipped out, and he quickly realized that he was being levitated, his charge reduced to a featherlike float. The vile daemon traitor primarch stood by idelly, unimpressed. Magnus's blade had inexplicably returned to the form of a staff, and any who were watching him with care would have noticed he heaved a deep breath as he levitated Luigi. Ignoring the ravings of his flailing assailant, Magnus leaned slightly on his staff and reached his severed limb toward its counterpart below. The rivulets of blood that ran from his wound suddenly took on a life of their own, taking the form of red tentacles which awoke and writhed, reaching out for the arm and reconnecting with it, drawing it back into place. Change... Anything he did served change, even if it was to change himself, and change was life. Wasn't it? The sorcerer king mused. "I will tell you this, once." Magnus began. "The Architect of Fate and I did battle. He manipulated me using my greatest weakness, which was my love for my family, and I fell. His victory was fair, and when my own brother came to strike me down and destroy my sons and all we had worked for, I simply refused to die. We did not deserve it. We did not deserve to be killed by those who misjudged us and distrusted us from the very beginning." Magnus glowered. "I am no longer a creature of your world. Your Emperor is dead, and his Imperium is fading into nothing. The truth is that the material realm hardly concerns me any longer. The flames of my wrath have died out. Only the warp matters now, for only there can there be true immortality and meaning." Magnus looked up to the sky. "And yet, I find myself here, completely removed. I didn't believe I could ever truly be free."