[center][h2]Reisen Udongein Inaba[/h2] [i]Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12[/i][/center] "...Point taken. Well, to answer your indirect question, then I can confirm that some form of teleportation magic is the bare minimum of what dragged me here. Be it a summons or otherwise, though... I don't have enough experience with that form of magic to be able to tell anything at all," the Lunarian said before the laughter that she had been attempting to ignore earlier grew ever closer. [i]"Great. Another lunatic. Why me?!"[/i] she complained internally before taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Honestly, is there something in the air that drives people to madness here? I've had to deal with one already, and I'm not particularly in th emood for dealing with another..." [@Raineh Daze][@TheFake] [hr] [center][h2]Sogiita Gunha[/h2] [i]District 10[/i][/center] The resulting shockwave from the two fists connecting barely caused Gunha to waver as a smile was painted over his face. This was always the best way to settle problems--let fists do the talking, all else be damned! It always got the message through, no matter how long it took, and it [i]usually[/i] helped people get all their anger out, so he was definitely willing to oblige. The roar he got in return certainly seemed to confirm his beliefs, and the esper smirked before noticing that the person's [i]other[/i] hand was free. Shoot. Gritting his teeth as he braced for impact with his spare arm, Gunha flew backwards, tumbling a good distance away and throwing up a giant gust cloud as he rolled along, finally coming to a stop after a few more seconds. Punching his right fist into the ground as he pushed himself up, Gunha spit out a bit of blood before climbing to his feet, cracking his knuckles on his right hand with a smile on his face before taking a deep breath. It took him a moment to realize, though, that his left arm had been popped out of place. "...Again? Well, guts solves all problems," he sighed to himself, casually forcing the arm back in place (with a bit of pain in the process) before carefully testing it, rolling his arm around and gripping and ungripping his hand. "Seems fine to me. Alright, let's try this again!" he shouted, full of renewed vigor as he rushed forward, explosions popping up left and right as he ran forward (though none of them really obstructed his path) before he began to throw a series of punches at the woman. It'd have to work eventually, right? [@Lmpkio][@AstroLu]