[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] To be perfectly honest, Youmu was finding her patience wearing thin. The demon man had said he was leaving. And so, she didn't have to keep trying to kill him. But the man she had intervened in order to protect had charged at him once again, now leaving himself caught in some sort of psychic field once more. Youmu's patience had really very nearly snapped. If she had to kill him, she would. But if he would simply leave that would allow them to escape any further bloodshed. And yet... it seemed things were continually causing him to stick around. The small half-phantom held her katana at the ready, both blades gleaming as she somewhat irritably watched him reattach his arm. It wasn't as if she was unused to people who could heal, however. "Unless I'm mistaken, you were leaving," she commented, narrowing her blue eyes to reflect her feelings, "Could you perhaps continue, after putting him down? Unless you want to resume fighting." A member of the Konpaku family would not flee from battle. However, she'd rather this battle was finished already. [@Wraithblade6] [@Masterkeun] [@supertinyking]