Happy to be back in the center of attention again, Aya decided to humor the two boys a little. Maybe it was a bad idea to tell your opponent everything they needed to know to beat you, but these guys weren't her opponent just yet. And maybe if she played her cards right, they wouldn't have to be. A brief fantasy flashed through her mind, and she bit the inside of her cheek trying not to say it out loud. Instead, she fanned out her deck in her hands, picking out a single monster and handing it to Matt. [i]"See, this is one of my monsters."[/i] She said, handing him a sliver of cardboard illuminated in the blacks and reds of a burning populace. Somewhere over a burning wreck of a city, at a scale almost too large for the human mind to contemplate without making a mess of it's metaphorical trousers- A figure, upright, vaguely reptiloid, with a heavy, dragging tail that shook aside skyscraper and mountain alike in it's wake. Two leathery, bat-like wings sprung from it's carapace, wreathed in the smoke and dust of the thousands of cyclones, storms and hurricanes the thing left in it's presence, and the eye was drawn, trembling and unsure, all the way up to the burning embers that crowned this hideous shambling monstrousity, all but confirming in the gaze of that flame-ringed eyes it's superiority over all life. [i]"He's a cutie, isn't he? I call him [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dogoran,_the_Mad_Flame_Kaiju]Doggie[/url]!"[/i] [i]"But that's not really important right now, I want you to read the card, first, because nearly all the Kaiju monsters i can pull out have that effect of being able to be given to my opponent basically whenever i want. There's nearly never a situation where you don't have someone else's monster looking at you from across the field, so it's not a problem to get out Kaijus from my deck to my hand, and summoning Kaijus to fight each other is super easy, and - [color=ed1c24]HEY![/color]"[/i] That last remark wasn't so much addressed at Matt, but at the newcomer who'd decided, out of nowhere, to come up to her and start insulting her cute beasties. Even if he didn't appear to have noticed her, he'd insulted her [i]honour[/i]. No dignity to anyone who would ever do something so cruel as insult someone's deck. [i]"Beep beep!"[/i] She began, putting both hands on the headrest of her chair, trying to hold herself up as she rose out of her seat. She'd presumably interrupted whatever he was going to say to the redhead by screeching all over it, but that didn't matter right now.[i] "Ya wanna back up that trash, or do you just want to get run over?" [/i]