[@Heap241] Before I say anything, I actually do quite like this character concept you have in mind (both 'Public CS' and 'Private CS'), and it's cool to see someone noticeably older in the bunch at last. I've decided to mention some of this here, and some of it through PM -- mostly because I don't want to complicate something for you. I don't have any problem with the character idea you're presenting for the role-play, but there's a couple details in the rules that've been missed (I know you did this before sleeping, and were rushing to get it out from what I can tell, so I'm not angry or anything but rules are there to be followed), so I'll bring them up. Firstly, refer to the following quote from the opening post in the OOC: [quote=Shoryu Magami] Place a 'character portrait' picture into the [code][img][/img][/code] BBCode, and make sure it's appropriate for this role-play. I don't care if you've drawn it yourself or gotten it from somewhere, but keep it fitting. The reason I've listed the 'Anime/Manga' tag for this role-play is that I'm envisioning it as an anime or VN/game (not inherently inspired by anything specific, since I'm more a fan of the style than I am of any particular fandom), and subsequently the character pictures used are expected to follow that sort of style of art for the purpose of maintaining proper aesthetic. If you've got a problem with anime or its style, then this role-play [i]isn't[/i] for you -- I'm extremely picky regarding aesthetics and I won't be lowering my standards just to role-play with someone who can't appreciate this form of art. The role-play is using that aesthetic, and I don't want the portraits chosen to ruin that, just like how someone creating a role-play using a live action setting would be thrown off by having cartoon character images introduced. Character portraits are obligatory here for a few reasons, so make sure you have one here -- this isn't negotiable so 'take it or leave it'. Also, try to make sure it's accurate -- if your character is meant to have a different hair colour (for example) to the portrait or is meant to have freckles (another example) then I recommend using an image program to correct it.[/quote] A few people've slightly missed the rule about making sure the portraits are completely accurate, but it hasn't been a major issue. With this quote in mind though, the current portrait is going against the rules. There's a few reasons why having a character portrait is important, and also why making sure that the aesthetic was somewhat similar between them to an extent. One of them is that a picture showing the entire main cast will be included in the opening post once everyone is registered and it'll took stupid if they're jarringly different, while another reason is that those same portrait icons will also be used to show where everyone is on the map of the setting that'll be added soon (and will similarly look weird if inconsistent to an extent). These are some (though not all) of the reasons I insisted on portraits, and wanted them to have a similar aesthetic, since if I wasn't planning to use the portraits for something and simply wanted them to maintain the 'Anime' aesthetic of the role-play then it'd be easy for me to just imagine the characters that way in my mind; in fact, I already have a few ideas of pictures I might have used for a character who looks like the one you're presenting. I wouldn't have made portraits a requirement at all if I didn't want them to have some consistency. To give an example of what I mean by posting up a picture of everyone together in the opening post, I'm going to quote an example my fiancé made (keep in mind this wasn't complete, and was just a rough example of how it might look -- they might also be changing to legit portraits instead of circle icons): [quote=Ailyn Evensen] Okay, so I guess now would be a good time to present these really rough drafts for map icons. [hider=Rough Draft *Art Not Final*] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mXeMgE9.png[/img][/center][/hider][/quote] Anyway, apart from that there's no real issues with the 'Public CS' itself. It shouldn't be too hard to iron out the CS and get it accepted. There was a few typos, but you're hardly the only applicant who's had that come up so it's not a major issue, but do take a look at it when you have time since this [i]is[/i] an 'Advanced' tag role-play. My standard procedure is to have a person's 'Public CS' accepted before their 'Private CS' is discussed or accepted, but I've got a concern I need to bring up over PM just so you don't end up being cheated out of a fair chance at the game like everyone else.