[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/catcher/catcher_p.png[/img] — Intersection of 5,6, & 12 —[/center] She smiled behind her mask, turning her head slightly to face the threat. This one reminded her of her sisters husband. Not that infuriating one but the other one. The Dominator. All ego, ambition and malice. Catcher could see it in the way that held held himself. That the world was his and always had been. It just didn't know it yet. This was a man that would be king, a useful, if shallow kind of person. She reached up and pulled the helmet from her head as she bent at the knee. She spoke in a confident voice. The voice that commanded armies and almost brought the Black Company to destruction. "My king. I bow to your will." [@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze]