[hr] [center][color=LightPink][h2]Soley Gibson[/h2][/color] Hao'li City Outskirts [@Arty Fox][/center] [hr] As Soley turned her head towards the outskirts, where sand fizzled into the lush green of the environment, she suddenly felt something small bump into her with quite a bit of force. [color=LightPink]"What the-"[/color] she gulped out, before the momentum of the little Pokemon tipped her exhausted body over. Lying on her back, she rubbed her temples and stared up at the little Shinx, which vigorously moved around. Soley wondered what kind of Pokemon that was, as she put her flat hands on the ground and propped herself into a seating position again. [color=LightPink]"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, it's okay."[/color] she assured the incoming trainer, who appeared concerned, which made Soley assume the Pokemon tackling her belonged to him. [color=LightPink]"That's a pretty energetic Pokemon, huh?"[/color] she asked, perhaps a little grumpier-sounding than she intended, as her eyes scanned the little blue creature. Ophelia cackled in the background, hovering around Soley, as if make to sure she noticed the little ghost. Deciding to ignore the Shuppet's attempts to tease her, Soley instead eyed the trainer and his Shinx. [color=LightPink]"What kind of Pokemon is that? I've never seen one like that before"[/color], she asked, and carefully extended her hand, trying to stroke the Pokemon's back.