As the boys slowly neared Jaim, He looked around, observing which trees and bushes may be of use. Pointing to a a bounch of young trees. "Take those trees and cut them at teh foot. Then cut them so they be as long as brisa is tall. Once cut into lengths, sharpen each side of it so you could use it as a spear. Take the thicker ends and push them into the ground with teh upper points looking away from our tent. Make it so that teh incoming enemies will be unable to rush through them without getting injured or impaled." As He was explaining to the boys what needs to be done he also showed them with his hands, so it be easier for them to understand his plan. Pointing to a bunch of thorny bushes."take those out and put them back in on the sides of our camp". Knowing that will not be enough, after a short consideration, he decided to try something that was more of a legend than an actual truth. with a chuckle he continued with his plan. "also lads drink as much water as possible and pee all over the bushes. There are some who believe teh bullywugs are allergic to our piss, so if we manage to get some of it into their skin with teh help of those torn it be wonderful. Now get to work, you two got lots of it." As he overthought teh plan and was at least partly content with it he called to Brisa. "Brisa. I need you to use that book and find any poisonous plants and any kinds of vines. The second being more important. We will need it for a surprise. now hurry we don't have much time left." He tried to remember all of the plan in his head and imagine how the fight will go, but it was too much. Jaim has never been much of a strategic person, usually he left that to others. Deciding it would be better and easier for him to draw everything out, he walked to a flat part of dirt, sat down and started to draw into teh mud with a tiny stick. Every now and then he would look up and around to check if the drawing had at least a little bit of resemblance to the reality. [hr] Argurious cursed inwardly, finally he managed to sit back down and now he had to get up again. The amount of effort required to get back up seemed bigger to Argurious than the effort he put into fighting the previous night. Once back on his feet he took a big breath and slowly began to move towards where Jaim waited for them. The task given was easy enough, but Argurios could hardly stand on his feet as it is. Partly he was happy that Jaim didn't give him some other job to do, but at teh same time he was worried he would not manage to do much because of his wounds. He squeezed his mouth and began to follow Aiden towards teh trees. As they moved he remembered that in the village all that had trouble walking had a cane to help support themselves. After a short thought Argurious decided he could use something like that as well. "Hey Aiden if that offer to help still counts, id take it. Would you help me make a cane for me so that its easier for me to move around." At first he did not want to ask for help, but everyone was away from earshot, and he could really use some help. He looked at teh ground embarrassed. "And could you not tell anyone i asked ya for help."