[center][h2] - Daemon Magnus -[/h2][/center] [center]The New God (open to join!)[/center] [center]- Near zone 3, 10, 11 -[/center] The dragon man had walked off, looking mildly depressed. Having been mortal originally, Magnus could still understand basic mortal emotion and reasoning far better than a neverborn. He let him go. Luigi didn't have a full grasp of the ex-primarch's historical choices, yet how could he? There was little point in explaining further, and so Magnus said nothing. He set Luigi down gently, regardless of the white-haired girl's demands. "Summon your Imperium if you will, human. It matters not to me. They are no more my enemy than any other dying race in this cold and boring realm." Magnus beheld the girl last. "Whoever you are, you've done me a service, and I will remember it. I have no wish to destroy you, but if you raise your swords to me again, it will be for the last time." Magnus was wary of a weapon that could damage him. However he had entered realspace and separated from the gods of chaos, he didn't know, but he wanted to take full advantage of the situation. Getting killed would either banish him back into Tzeentch's claws or possibly fully destroy him. "I'm going to find others on this planet of like-mind. Together, we will learn and build." And so the Red King moved on, heading further into the city near where Ryu had gone, moving into distict 3. It was daylight, and the human denizens were all out and agape at the sight of a giant "monster" in their midsts. Yet Magnus was patient, causing none any harm and simply immune to any of their midevil armaments. Curiously, people began to approach and ask him questions. Afraid though they were, there were the brave among them, curious about his feathery wings and horns and strange, shining armor. "Magnus, The Red King" he was to them, which inevitably became shortened to "Red."