Sara sighed. [color=f49ac2][b]"I mean, I know what they did, but I'm just saying maybe not to that extreme..."[/b][/color] Though if that bookshelf had fallen on that student they would have probably had more than just a hospital visit. [color=f49ac2][b]"I just want there to be a middle ground. You know, sure use force to make them stop, but we don't have to fall that far to go out with the intent to hurt people that badly. If so, aren't we just the same as the Purgers?"[/b][/color] The Police getting aggravated about all this extra paperwork did bring her a bit of relief. [color=f49ac2][b]"Yes, with all this going on they don't have a choice but to be more vigilant in the streets.[/b][/color]" The young woman gave a soft sigh. [color=f49ac2][b]"I wouldn't hold your breath, Rasteva. With something like this, especially televised I fear we may witness more outbursts, especially from those who don't think the Police are going to do anything. They can't have eyes everywhere after all.."[/b][/color] Turning back to her studies, as she news shifted over to weather reports, she tapped her pencil against the table. [color=f49ac2][b]"Did you have any friends, Rasteva? Do Daemons only communicate through speech?"[/b][/color] She knew them to not be social with humans, or many other Daemons, but perhaps they knew a few? If they could contact any sort of Daemon to be on their side with all this chaos starting to break out, it might help.