Okay. Long story short-Shit happened, had to be out and away from anything electronical the past 2 weeks and needed to get shit together. Anyone I kept up in the mayhem-I apologize. I'm still sorting through said shit and will promptly take care of said shit by next week. I ain't out of the park yet but know that it's gonna be a bit before my next post. If anyone has any issues with it, I apologize but I had stuff irl to take care of before I could worry about here. Edit: I should've given some sorta warning that this little "Vanished: The Zekari Voblis" case was going to happen but it happened suddenly. Couldn't really tell much of anyone at the time. From here on out though, I'm gonna give full notice when stuff like this happens and I take full responsibility for any issues caused by my not being here. Meanwhile, I'm gonna be planning out my next post.