"Doesn't seem anything too bad," Will shrugged, leaning against his chair some. "We could be back in the air by tomorrow, in theory, so I wouldn't worry too much." The older man sighed some at mention of the old mechanic. "His old lady had grown tired of being alone I suppose. He stayed landslide back in the states a few weeks ago. Not so certain I'm happy abut it all myself." He pushed up off the chair and shook Roger's hand then Beatrix's. "Whatever works for you all. I'm not going anywhere without you after all and I've got nothing specific waiting for me otherwise. You two talk about it and send me word." "Thank you," Bea said with a little smile and a nod of her head. "We will see you Tuesday." [Center] 《》《》[/center] "Well if he won't care either way, let us enjoy our drinks, whatever they may be." She toasted a little with her own, looking mildly amused that Estella wasn't drinking anything more than tea. To each their own she supposed. She drank more than most women she knew, so she was used to being the odd one anyways. "A fair deal," she nodded after taking a drink and putting her mug down on the bar top again. "My father has a bit of wanderlust. We don't tend to stay anywhere too terribly long. Sometimes it bothers me, but on the general whole I like it. Like seeing new places, meeting new people. That sort of thing."