Once again, I have made best girl. [hider=SEA GOD KING] Name:Umi Ruka Sex: Female Age: 17 House: N-n-neos Club (F-f-f-for life) Appearance: [url=http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/nozomi_kaminashi_94455.jpg] Strongest Girl[/url] Duel Disk:[url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/d/dd/Alexis%27_old_Duel_Disk.png/revision/latest?cb=20161007001254] This one.[/url] Personality: Umi is strongest there is and she will make sure you know it. Cockey, arrogant, loud, obnoxious, short tempered. If she sees something she wants she'll do anything to get it. History: Umi grew up in a poor family. Both her father and mother worked long hours for little pay in order to make ends meet. While attending grade school she often had to beg for unwanted commons from her friends or dig through trash to find cards to play with. Despite the power gap between her and friends she displayed great skill and amazing luck, often pulling herself out from the jaws of defeat. With her family's financial pressures hanging overhead she studied hard and always got good marks. After she graduated from high school she earned a scholarship to Duel Academy due to her academic performance and not her dueling skills (she was an ok duelist in her school but didn't have the funds necessary for a pro level deck). Now at duel academy her goal is to go pro and become a breadwinner for her family. Until then she has picked up underground dueling, which has proven to be a lucrative though dangerous source of income. Wish: To be STRONGEST THERE IS [/hider] [hider=Deck] [b]SEA GOD KING MOKEY MOKEY (44)[/b] [b][color=fff200]Monsters (11)[/color][/b] Spiral, the Mythic Radiance Dragon Gigobyte X2 Gagagigo X2 Giga Gagagigo Gogiga Gagagigo GOD KING MOKEY MOKEY (Mokey Mokey) X3 Zushin the Sleeping Giant [b][color=39b54a]Spells (26)[/color][/b] Unexpected Dai X2 Pot of Greed Painful Decision Polymerization Hidden Armory X2 Amulet of Ambition Symbols of Duty Spiral Crash of the Mythic Radiance Dragon Spiral Hold of the Mythic Radiance Dragon Faustian Bargain Summoner's Art Dark Factory of Mass Production Swords of Concealing Light Swing of Memories Silent Doom Advance Force Advance Zone Terraforming X2 Pacifis, City of Mythic Radiance A Legendary Ocean Lemuria the Forgotten City Umiiruka [b][color=ec008c]Traps (7)[/color][/b] First Aid Squad Secrets of the Gallant Clashing Whirlpool of the Mythic Radiance Dragon Deep Whirlpool of the Mythic Radiance Dragon Cry Havoc! Justi-Break Champion's Vigilance [b][color=92278f]Extra Deck (2)[/color][/b] Mokey Mokey King First of the Dragons [/hider]