[img]https://s23.postimg.org/4alwuub9n/maxresdefult.jpg[/img] Name: Kasumi Age: 20 Important items: Two mini swords Short Bio: Kasumi was never a good person. When she was ten years old, her parents paid for Kendo lessons for her. She learned quickly and was a natural fighter, because of this she quickly went up in rank. By the time she was 17, she was almost a master however, she couldn't quite beat her master to get her final promotion. Determined, Kasumi spent her time trying to come up with new tricks and skills to defeat her master. Although she kept training to her hardest. When she reached 18 Kasumi decided to trade in her one kendo sword for two short kendo swords. She trained with using two kendo swords until she reached the age of 20. After that, she became an expert at using two swords at once. However, she still hadn't become the master. Whilst training one day, she saw a strange creature, a Malakim. It was only for a few short seconds, until it disappeared. At first, she thought she was going crazy, and tried to ignore the experience, however after a few days she discovered that she had changed, that she was no longer normal. That now, she had magic. Skills/Flaws: Kasumi is extremely skilled sword combat. Kasumi is skilled in assassination However Kasumi is short tempered, and when angry can lose focus. Kasumi doesn't always go in with a plan, and because of that, she can get into a lot of trouble. Spell List: Teleportation: Kasumi can teleport as far as she can see. - Timespace Invisibility - Timespace She is able to create a copy of herself which can move, talk but cannot physically hurt anyone. She can do this in any outfit of hers. - Mind Magic Able to change the probability to her advantage. - Time Space She is able to enhance her speed for a short time. - Time Space She is able to pause time for a few seconds. - Time Space [hider=Cantrips]Time Bubble: Kasumi, can use her time-space abilities to project small illusionary fields of time-warp around plants, people, or objects to modify them. She could speed up clocks to make guards think shift change should have happened or cause time to effect objects and plants to make them rust and wither. Armed and Dangerous: Kasumi can use her speed capabilities to make it seem as if she has more weapons than she does, by stancing with her blades and moving them about, while sheathing, drawing, and then repeating the process she could appear to be a completely armed woman with a million blades! A False Hearing: Kasumi is able to manipulate her vocal cords and can change her voice to one she has heard repeatedly before. She can do this to lure away people or trick people. Make a Suggestion! Kasumi is able to implant a small suggestion in the brain of others to try and influence them. It could be something as little as 'You never saw anything' or something such as 'There is no jedi Kasumi here' Another suggestion she could try to make is the suggestion that your bladder is full, or the suggestion you might be hungry.[/hider]