[hider=Asif Wang] [h1][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Asif Wang[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/b9/ca/22/b9ca22a04455ad95fedbde6340cecc5c.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#a010a0]Name:[/color][/b] Shopkeeper A [b][color=#a010a0]Aliases:[/color][/b] Asif Wang, Silvanni Zikkray, Korian Dale [b][color=#a010a0]Titles:[/color][/b] Wizado, The Comedian, The Magician of the East, The Nameless One [b][color=#a010a0]Age:[/color][/b] Unknown, likely far older than one might expect. [b][color=#a010a0]Place of Origin:[/color][/b] Clausulae Omne [b][color=#a010a0]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#a010a0]Build:[/color][/b] Upon first glance the only real notable thing one might take away from Asif's body is that he is taller than average. A surprising 190 cm, which for a man of his apparent ethnicity is not entirely expected. Then again, what use is something like ethnicity when comparing beings from other worlds. For the truth is Asif's height is entirely average for where he comes from and indeed so is much of his figure. While some standards may describe him as "pretty" and he is indeed lithely muscled when one looks close, he is on the whole quite nondescript especially by the standards of his home country. The phrase, "just one of those faces" is rather apt, for a young looking man that appears as if he could blend into the background at a moment's notice. [b][color=#a010a0]Eyes:[/color][/b] A rather average shade of brown, they aren't generally a shade to be picked out from a crowd. Still, if one does spend a few extra moments looking upon them, they might notice the suspicious, but not quite mischievous glint that appears oh so ever prevalent. [b][color=#a010a0]Hair:[/color][/b] Soft wavy hair that wraps around his face has often led the magician to be mistaken for a girl from a distance. However other than their length, and even that can't quite be called remarkable, his hair too is rather average. [b][color=#a010a0]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Apart from a strong tan from years of working out in the sun, Asif's skin is the sort of light brownish shade one might expect. [b][color=#a010a0]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] None [b][color=#a010a0]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b] Long flowing green robes with dashes of purple and yellow consist of Asif's preferred combat clothes. At a few points intricate patterns and characters can even be discerned and it's obvious the clothes cost quite a bit to produce. While at first glance it may seem counter intuitive to wear something so flowing into battle, it's actually designed to help obscure Asif's movements and keep his magic out of enemy hands. In addition the clothes are not so long that Asif might trip, on the contrary they're kept at just the right length and fit to prevent any unforeseen encumbering. In addition the somewhat showy appearance of the robes is in fact a very intentional design trait, but purposely directing his enemy's eyes to certain points on the body he keeps them unaware of where his attacks are coming from. Beneath the upper robes come simpler black pants and brown boots. He also wears dark green gloves to further obscure his movements and hide his ring. When times are peaceful, Asif's clothing will consist of just about anything that is comfortable. [b][color=#a010a0]Strengths:[/color][/b] Asif is known for ingenuity, speed and daring. [b][color=#a010a0]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] The greatest weakness of Asif is Asif himself. His propensity for thrill seeking can often put him in rather dangerous situations. Not to mention his very personality can be taxing to those that have prolonged contact with him. His steadfast devotion to his goals can often come at great cost to others and thus he can be somewhat manipulated by either side. In addition, without the use of his magic, it's unlikely he'd fare too well in prolonged physical combat with skilled fighters. [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=#a010a0][center]Intense * Analytical * Adventurous * Determined[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=#a010a0]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] He has himself. [b][color=#a010a0]Personality:[/color][/b] Asif is, despite all appearances and backgrounds, an extremely unique individual. Much, and some might argue all, of this stems from a desire to never feel bored again. Decades of dealing with extreme boredom, have lead Asif to seek relief wherever he can find it. He has a habit of taking on many different personas for this very reason, and it's also the reason he first became a hero. His reckless, dangerous approach to combat is followed precisely because it increases his thrill. On the bright side, his desire to avoid boredom creates the atmosphere of an almost giddy child constantly excited by everything around him. Free from any desire to return to the world he was plucked from, Asif is more capable than most of appreciating the lands he ends up in. He may hate boredom, but he is not entirely defined by that hatred and is quite capable of interacting with the world. In fact in some regards, he can excel at it. When Asif truly puts his mind to something, his intensity has a way of captivating people, even without his other tricks. His unflinching ability to throw himself into harm's way, while dangerous for him, can be inspiring to others. Then again some may just see him as stupid, and they wouldn't be entirely wrong. Still a sense of daring and adventure, is a large part of why Asif finds being a hero so thrilling and is also an easy way to maintain his loyalty. For that matter, his determination and loyalty, once earned, is night impossible to remove. If Asif finds you to be a fascinating individual, he will fight hard for you and even be willing to die for you. While it's unlikely he'd ever admit, part of this might stem from the deep seated knowledge that Asif knows he was born a background character and a part of him will always be so. Yet outside of all the theatrics, potential bravado and wisecracks, Asif is surprisingly analytical about the things he cares about. When in combat he is always analyzing his opponent's moves, trying to pick out patterns and ways to defeat them. While his eyes no doubt greatly enhanced his understanding, it was his own mind that has enabled him to cultivate such a vast knowledge of magical theory. When focused, every move Asif makes is entirely calculated. While there may be many things Asif lacks knowledge of, the things he does know, he displays quite a breadth of knowledge about. In some regards this analytical side of Asif can come into conflict with the other aspects of his ability. It was the dominant part of his personality during his many years as a simple shopkeeper only to be pushed down during his years as a hero. Only time will tell if this aspect of his personality will make a great resurgence again. [b][color=#a010a0]Habits:[/color][/b] Cracking (bad) jokes, jumping into dangerous situations, scratching the back of his head. Asif also has a bad tendency to get stuck analyzing something. [b][color=#a010a0]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Reading, studying magic, refining his skills and reminscing over past glories. Cooking surprisingly (Although he's the only one who likes his concoctions). [b][color=#a010a0]Fears:[/color][/b] Being bored again, being trapped in his old life, and failing his goals. [b][color=#a010a0]Likes:[/color][/b] Magical theory, people, heros, adventures, quests, cooking, reading, being a general nuisance and exploring new places. [b][color=#a010a0]Dislikes:[/color][/b] Boredom, heavy repetition, people who don't do anything, people who complain too much, people who don't appreciate the world around them, psychics who probe too deep. [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=#a010a0][i][center]A listing of skills, such as horseback riding or cooking. Levels include novice (1 pt), apprentice (2 pt), journeyman (3 pt), expert (4 pt), master (5 pt). Each character can spend 21 points & only two skills can be mastered.[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Magecraft (Master):[/color][/b] If there's one thing that Asif understands it's magic. From theory to its execution, Asif is truly a master when it comes to utilizing the primal force around him and what his own limits are. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Trading (Expert):[/color][/b] Asif, despite his hatred of his former occupation, was a shopkeeper for many, many years. It's only natural that he understands economics and batering, as much as he may hate to engage in such actions long term again. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Daggerplay (Journeyman):[/color][/b] While by no means a primary melee fighter, Asif does know how to use that dagger of his. Primarily he uses his skills to simply assist his own magic attacks, but when push comes to shove, he can still take down average fighters with his own dagger. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Wordplay (Journeyman):[/color][/b] When Asif puts his mind to it, he can have quite the way with words. Whether that be stringing together surprisingly decent poems, or convincing unknowing soldiers to trust him, worldplay is a strong suit of Asif's. Unfortunately Asif's own "eccentricities" can often render this skill mute. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Agility (Master):[/color][/b] A result of his boundless energy, Asif is quite adept at leaping from one place to the next. He's quick, remarkably so, something that often takes those that first meet him by surprise. Dancing around others is in many ways Asif's m.o., and thus it's a good thing he can keep up with his own whims. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Brawling (Novice):[/color][/b] Again it deserves stressing that Asif isn't really the greatest physical fighter, but he does know his way around a bar fight. That's what happens when you have a tendency of pissing people off. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Tactics ([/color][color=red]Critical Fail[/color][color=#a010a0]):[/color][/b] Just don't let him make plans for the whole group. His personality isn't really suited for coming up with the best plan, he prefers the more interesting plan. And while on the topic of things Asif shouldn't do, don't let him cook for the group. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Talents & Powers[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=#a010a0][i][center]A listing of unique powers, magic, artifacts, and techniques. A maximum of four only.[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=#a010a0]The Third Eye:[/color][/b] Asif's primary power, stemming from his days as a simple shopkeeper. Those days it worked to analyze magic artifacts that came into his possession, making sure that they were in fact the real deal. However its true power is much greater than that. By activating this eyes, Asif is able to analyze many details about all forms of magic he sees around him, from properties to trajectories it is a mighty skill against any form of magic. In addition it even has limited magic replication abilities. However it is important to note that this power comes with many limitations. While he is more than capable of analyzing weaknesses and magical properties, it takes time proportional to how complicated something is and he has to keep his eyes on the target to continue analyzing it. As such extremely complex magic can even take days to analyze, and there is little doubt in Asif's mind that the most complicated magic could take years. As for the limited replication, Asif can only copy spells once he truely understands them via his analysis. Yet even this is temporary, with him only being able to cast the spell once per analysis. The exception to this being if he chooses to store a spell, but he can only do this for one spell at a time and even then it only lasts for an hour at max after which Asif is left to his own devices once more. Thus at a practical level, the spells Asif might copy would be extremely simple attacks to fling back at the enemy moments after the attack was sent his way. The strength of his copying mostly just comes into play by demoralizing his opponents as it's not an extremely powerful ability on it's own. In this regard Asif is better off left using his own power. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]The Ring of Allure:[/color][/b] A ring Asif was lucky enough to acquire early into his journey, he projects a subtle distortion into perception of others. When active it makes those around Asif more accepting towards his words, making it easier for Asif to get them to do what he wants. Yet like everything else Asif owns, it comes with limitations of its own. For one, the ring is not mindcontrol, it only makes others more acceptive towards Asif's ideas, it can not cause them to do things they would never do or drastically change their perception on things. Extremely stubborn, hot-headed, or strong-willed people will be nigh impossible to affect by the ring alone, and at the end of day it is still Asif's words that have to convince the other person. The ring simply is adept at breaking down that first wall that can make communication more difficult by making them more willing to listen, Asif is the one that has to make their listening worthwhile. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]The Three-fold Path:[/color][/b] The Three-fold Path is the magic Asif designed with the help of his friends. It is a unique form of magic designed off the manipulation of three sources of energy. Dust, or the ground from which all things are birthed, giving Asif power over elements around like water and of course earth, but also slight manipulations of plants and low forms of life. Then there is Fire, or the primordial energies from below, which are destructive in nature, Asif can thus manipulate powers like lightning and magma for other destructive ends. Finally there is Light, or the cosmic powers from above, at their most basic they can grant health and shields and at their most complex even Asif is unaware of their powers. Because, surprise surprise, there are limits to his magic as well. For while Asif does possess a great degree of control, being able to create constructs and bend elements to his will, even enhance his own attributes, every spell has its cost. This cost requires energy, certain chants and rituals, and sometimes even sacrifices. The more powerful and complicated the spell, the higher the cost. The Three-fold path also pays heed to Asif's surroundings and summoning elements that aren't near by takes far more energy, and overusing the elements around him will weaken the spells. Each individual path, also has weakness of its own, Dust, while everywhere, has little innate offensive powers of it's own requiring Asif to either mix it with other spells or find a way to get creative in his applications. Fire, while extremely powerful in its offensive abilities, is hard to control and most often has to be reigned in. Finally with Light, while minor healing and weak shields can be created with ease, there is still much Asif does not know about this path and its powers are in many ways beyond his current reach. At the end of the day, regardless of the path, extremely powerful spells would not only leave Asif completely drained but also take extreme amounts of time. After all, the Three-fold Path was a system of magic designed with moderation in mind, to allow the weak to fight amongst the strong. [*] [b][color=#a010a0]A Simple Dagger:[/color][/b] No seriously, it's an ordinary dagger. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#a010a0]Parents:[/color][/b] Unknown, part of Asif doubts he ever had parents. All he remembers is the shop. [b][color=#a010a0]Siblings:[/color][/b] Not likely. [b][color=#a010a0]Childhood:[/color][/b] A shopkeeper is a shopkeeper, a knight is a knight, a king a king and a hero a hero. One’s place is decided upon the moment of their birth and none can ever define. Even as the eons tick by, this hard fast law of the world allowed for no exception. Thus we enter the story of a young man, born to this realm as the lowly Shopkeeper A. Day in and day out he’d sit right outside the palace, peddling his cheap goods to whatever hero waltzed out or any other odd passerby. As the first shopkeeper one would meet in their journey, Shopkeeper A neither possessed anything truly worthwhile not to mention most hero’s came with some sort of quest or decree from the king wherein Shopkeeper A had to equip them for next to nothing. Even as a shopkeeper, the man never made any money worth nothing. He knew his trade, he knew he was getting screwed, but the laws of the Universe dictated that there was absolutely nothing he could do. Day in and day out, as he performed the same tasks over and over again, as he progressed from childhood to his teenage years and finally adulthood, the Shopkeeper started feeling one overwhelming emotion. For lesser men this emotion might have been something meager, like anger, or sadness or perhaps even overwhelming despair. Yet for Shopkeeper A such petty emotions weren’t what he absolutely despised, no it was the ever prevalent overwhelming feeling of boredom. The crippling boredom he felt in those years might very well have been death knell. [b][color=#a010a0]Adulthood:[/color][/b] Then one day, the laws were broken and Shopkeeper A worldwalked. Well, the principals were similar, but in actuality he found himself ripped into another world by other beings as opposed to going there on his own volition. Quick to adopt a new alias, Silvanni Zikkray formed from the names of heroes he absolutely despised, Silvanni instantly threw himself into this new world. For the first time in his life, he was no longer bored, a new horizon had opened for the young man. He found a path that wasn’t shopkeeping, and unlike many of the other warriors around him, he loved nearly every minute of it. Yet it wasn’t this world that turned him from a shopkeeper to an accidental hero, but he did acquire a fancy ring. No Silvanni only stayed in this world for a few months, before finding a way to escape to yet another world and it was this world where he become a hero mostly by accident. Landing headfirst in the sand, winds blowing his cloak around in a way no man could call stylish, the former shopkeeper started to wonder if it had all been a mistake. All he had to his name was his ring, a cloak, and a dagger. The transportation had even caused his eyes to reset, so he didn’t have a single spell at his disposal. Just as he started wonder where the undo button was a blast of fire from an unknown source jolted him to his feet. Acting on instinct, the Shopkeeper’s eyes activated revealing both the position of the unknown assailant and the nature of the spell he was utilizing. A rudimentary spell if he had ever seen one, it wasn’t hard for him to copy the fireball and use it to deflect the next attack. It was then, in a moment of insipid inspiration, that he spoke the words that would change his path once more. “You fools, you dare attack I, the Great Magician of the East, Korian Dale,” another name cobbled from others, “with such feeble spells.” At the time, he was simply blowing hot air for it’s own sake, years later he’d remember that his ring had been on, but it was there that the legend of Korian Dale, Wizard, Magician, Comedian and Hero began. As Korian would soon find out, being a hero was the opposite of boring. Taken aback by Korian’s sudden words, the assailant simply asked in confusion. “You hail from the East? The Khan decreed he wiped out the Eastern region.” “Yes well I’m further East than that.” Thus communication with his former adversary began in earnest. Korian soon learned that is assailant, revealed to be hooded man nearing the age of 50, was a member of the sole tribe left to prevent the advancement of a mighty Khan. Evidently the Khan had a dream of unifying the six provinces on this continent, but the methods he had engaged in to do so had been absolutely brutal on the living residents. What in the hands of a more apt ruler might have brought wealth across the land, only caused the residents to fall deeper into poverty. As a merchant, this was something Korian understood quite well, and decided that he should perhaps give being a hero a try this time. Since after all many of the heroes he had meant in the other world had been quite fascinating individuals. The Khan obviously needed to go, but his dream wasn't entirely worthless, just poorly carried out. Unification could do great things for the diversification of each region’s product, in fact it could well lead this continent to be the richest in the world. Well, that’s what he was hoping when he started on his quest. His former assailant, whose name turned out to be Asif Qureshi, led Korian to the other members of his tribe and it was amongst them that the next portion of Korian’s days were spent. With the other magicians, he developed his own style of magic focused on weaving elemental energies independent of the powers granted by his eyes. Meanwhile he worked with the tribe’s merchants to learn more of the continent’s economic structure. It was simply rudimentary stuff, agriculture, luxury goods, with a little bit of exporting to foreign continents, stuff with plenty of room for growth. Still, Korian had much to learn and in that regard a traveling merchant named Wang Jiaming became an excellent teacher. It wasn’t long before what would come to be known as the 10 Year War finally began in earnest. With his ring and prowess as a magician Korian was able to convince other tribes to join them in their fight against the Khan. Meanwhile an economic war of sorts began to brew as new ideas Korian brought from his home world began to flood the streets. What in the beginning had begun as a small insurgency, had grown into something all sides had to acknowledge as war between mighty factions. And while he was by no means solely responsible for the tribe’s successes the legend of the Great Magician of the East grew exponentially and Korian truly was hailed as a hero. All of it culminated on one fateful autumn evening when Korian’s forces attacked the palaces of the Khan and in the midst of his enemy’s gardens Korian took the Khan’s head. Thus the 10 Year War came to climatic end amidst burning walls and falling petals. Quite a finish for the story of an accidental hero, it’d be a lie to say if Korian didn’t appreciate the beauty of the finish. He’d even shed some tears when his friend Qureshi had died in the climatic battle, which at the time had been a surprisingly traumatic experience. Books would later refer to the battle as The Duel of Evening Petals, and for just a little while Korian’s facade actually fell. Still, the war ended that day, and it was probably for the best that he was whisked out before boredom could strike again. Peace was not likely to mix well with Korian. [b][color=#a010a0]Special Moments:[/color][/b] The first moment that sticks out in Asif's head, is from his first few movements of life beyond shopkeeping. He still vividly remembers his first battle: racing down the side of a snowy mountain on a small slab of rock with a warrior bard at his side in pursuit of a warrior wielding the power of stone. The other moment that sticks out in his mind was when he and Qureshi made their first breakthrough in the development of the Three-fold Path. [b][color=#a010a0]Current Events:[/color][/b] Moments before the Khan’s head hit the ground, Korian Dale found him ripped asunder once more. This time it was not sand that greeted his eyes, but a man robed in gold and red. To this man, Korian could only utter the following words. “Asif Wang, The Comedian, reporting for duty.” Once more the Shopkeeper was ready for a ride. [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]World[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#a010a0]Climate:[/color][/b] Clausolae Omne is a massive world with climates as varied as the hues under the sun. From the brutal winters of Alta Gelum to the scorching deserts of Sehraastan to the massive jungles known only as Whitewood, there is niche for all one can imagine. Yet Asif never saw any of these other lands, he lived in what was known only as the Central Kingdom, a temperate zone more covered by cobblestone than grass. Temperatures tended to never rise into what might be called hot or fall into what one could cold. In fact, strange magic created by the king left things strangely stagnant. Much like the rest of Asif's world, the weather here never changes apart from the occasional light rainfall. [b][color=#a010a0]Ruling(s):[/color][/b] While there are many different lands, the Central Kingdom is ruled only by a singular high king. For all of Asif's life that man's face has remained the same, with things perpetually remaining still the way they do. The king's messengers declare his will throughout the Central Kingdom but even then, it rarely appears as if anything of note is changing. [b][color=#a010a0]History:[/color][/b] There has always been a singular king, and Asif is certain he will also be the singular king. His world does not change much, every 3000 years the king will announce that mighty demon forces have risen again and then he will send out mighty heroes to face those threats. Despite the vast size of Clausolae Omne, it is always in the Central Kingdom that these heroes appear from and depart. [b][color=#a010a0]Notes:[/color][/b] The most important factor to note about Clausolae Omne is that it is extremely dangerous. There is a reason every man is trapped in his station from birth, and that is because to leave it is akin to suicide. The creatures roam this world only grow exponentially stronger as one ventures further away from the Central Kingdom. "Heroes" of this world are unlike heroes of other worlds, in that they gain power by absorbing the life essences of monsters they defeat and thus grown to absurd levels of power, something none of the rest of the populace is capable of. To leave the protection of the Central Kingdom is to enter into a dangerous game of survival, where you are little more than an ant to be crushed by the dangerous creatures roaming Clausolae Omne. In simple terms, the power scale of this world has been tipped out of balance. Even the Asif of now, would last but a few moments in combat with some of the weaker monsters. [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Relations[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=#a010a0][center]* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other * [/center][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=#a010a0]Name:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [h3][b][i][color=#a010a0][center]Extras (Optional)[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=#a010a0]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "Amazing!" [b][color=#a010a0]Theme Song:[/color][/b] TBD ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGbxsiBZGPI]Potential pick[/url]) [b][color=#a010a0]Aura Color:[/color][/b] Muted and nearly faded into the background there is a faint dark purple hue that looks like it could disappear at any moment. [b][color=#a010a0]Scent:[/color][/b] Dirt, traveling along many paths, Asif never stops walking. [b][color=#a010a0]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [/hider]