[quote=@Frizan] Guess who has been hard at work for the past few hours? This guy. So, since the Guild likes to go down a lot, and Guildfall taught us that it can go down for quite a long time, I've taken it upon myself to archive Fruits of Contention. I've started a Gmail account specifically for the job, and the account's [url=https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6YmOsr9aXMJeUJILThTYXFtVDg]Google Drive[/url] serves as this roleplay's "library". So far I've archived the raw text of: everyone's characters; the OPs of the IC, OOC, and Character tabs; the World Information post; the character sheet and character-building references(equipment limitations, skills and weaknesses, and guidelines); the summary, and the first two pages of IC posts(forty posts in total...was not the most exciting thing in the world). I'm also saving snapshots of the IC pages through the use of [i]archive.is[/i], just so we have both the raw version and the final product of each post. For now I'm going to put archiving the OOC on the backburner, because that's 4k+ posts and lolfuckthatshit. Consider this my(very) belated [url=https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/overwatch.gamepedia.com/b/b3/Junkrat_-_Happy_birthday.ogg]birthday[/url] present to all of you guys and Fruits of Contention. [/quote] You dah real MVP!