Alan spoke up to clarify the situation regarding assistance. "The British armed forces present have been notified of your mission however I hold no authority over them. Whilst I can contact their seniors in order to gain their assistance as well as their complience the chain of command seems to be having communication problems. It would be safest to assume the British forces will not intervene unless fighting breaks out at which point we can assume a full storming of the tower and massive civilian casualties." A brief pause. "Whilst civilian casualties are discouraged mission control has determined the power supply to hospitals a priority and you have been granted full authrity in the means you execute the mission. Take whatever actions you feel to be appropriate. The specialist engineer is standing by on location." Alan continued, his finish sounding rather final. Doubtless he would respond if asked directly but it seemed he was stepping back on things now. --------- At this point John McIntyre or "Old MacDonald", who had been listening carefully and stroking the light stubble on his chin decided to throw in his sixpence on the plan. "I'm happy to go in and do some kind of negotiations and yeah, we could all go in as civvies. The trouble would be all going in [b]armed[/b] as civvies. I reckon three is about the most they'll let in with guns before they start to feel intimidated. We should assume they will search anyone who goes in openly." McIntyre stopped for a moment to adjust the rucksack straps on his rucksack. "Perhaps we pose as a neautral negotiating party of three and, once we're inside, we find a way to get three infiltrators in to snoop?" ----- Anna observed the proceedings with silent focus, mulling the various suggestions over in her head as they came up. There was a lot to consider. In terms of applying her skills there were defintiely, from what she could see, some potentially useful overwatch sites but, for this job where a lot of it was indoors she would probably me more useful as an infiltrator. Anna signed as much before adding,[b]"The plans are all good but at some point we need to get moving."[/b] Anna's green eyes pulled around the circle to Claire. [b]"do you think you could show us where this bus is?"[/b] she asked in hurried sign language.