[@PKMNB0Y][@TheFake][@Raineh Daze] [center][h2] - Daemon Magnus -[/h2][/center] [center]- Zone 5+6 -[/center] The giant winged daemon eventually drew a large crowd with his charisma. The people of Phoria were used to non-human members of their society, most of which lived in zone 2, and it wasn't like "magic" was banned anymore. They had their own mages, regulated and sanctioned to prevent such disasters as had happened in the past under the Evocators centuries ago. Magnus was quite the anomaly, yet not a preposterous invader. He conversed with the crowd, inquiring of their history and commending them on their more mature return to the use of sorcery. He asked about their troubles, hearing about the poorly understood "horrid beasts" that lurked in the darkness and plagued the city. These Phorians had a lot to learn, yet Magnus found that they were open minded. This pleased him, for it gave him hope for the future. "You say your mages have seen glimpses of other worlds? ... Indeed. I would be most pleased to see this college of yours. I would certainly be willing to train others in return for a place to preserve my knowledge. There is no folly in its simple pursuit. It is the most noble endeavor..." Magnus walked along, speaking to one of the Phoran mages as they passed through zones 5 and 6 on the way to zone 8. A small gathering of the magically adept and interested followed them. Magnus' intentions of course involved more than mere bookkeeping, but it was a beginning. His ultimate plans were to regain the power he had lost and to fully understand this world, but of course, he meant for no harm to come to his newly adopted followers. In fact, their protection was paramount to his success. Soon, he would create a place to draw all sorcerers and mages the world had to offer, a sanctuary for the advancement of the art and the true fortification of this planet. The group eventually marched up a group of unusual strangers, a golden warrior, a pink rabbit, and black clad woman who all seemed to be facing each other. Magnus stopped casually a short distance away, sensing power from the group of them. The gathering of Phorians around him moved up to peer at the odd looking bunch in front. The black-clad woman was bowing to the golden one. "I sense a powerful sorcerer among you." The Red King said. "Fear not, and reveal yourself to me."