Name: Chris Ryan Age: 41 Gender: Male Description/Picture: [hider=Chris][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Chris stands about 6’4” with brownish hair and hazel eyes. Chris is athletic but is starting to show his age in some cases. Muscles take a little longer to heal, not the fastest or strongest but he can hold his own in a fight. Wears sunglasses occasionally, a Black windbreaker, dark blue jeans, a red t-shirt (if it’s night and sneaking around is called for he zips his jacket up all the way and it hides his shirt), and black hiking boots. Personality: Chris is an easy going guy. It takes a lot to get him angry but when he does get angry he has been known to get very violent and lash out. Chris will always think of the needs of others before his own, and although he generally doesn’t like being in a leadership role if called upon he will take it. He means what he says and says what he means, however it should be noted Chris has a streak of sarcasm that he uses from time to time. After spending a lot years in isolation Chris is now getting used to being around people again. He trusts people once he gets to know them but doesn’t go out of his way Chris makes them make the first moves. Background: Chris was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa. After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh he went into the Police Academy and from there to the Pittsburgh PD. Shortly after he joined the Pittsburgh PD he was married to his college girlfriend Anna. Chris proved to be one of the best cops in the city and played a key role working alongside the Attorney General’s office that he helped take down the McGinity crime family. It was in that operation that AG’s office took special notice of Chris and offered him a job. Chris never thought he’d get a chance like this and took it. In working with the AG’s office Chris once again excelled in his field, but the longer he worked at the AG’s office he began to see things that made him question what he was doing. He began seeing cover up after cover up and secret meeting after secret meeting. The stress of knowing what he did cost him his family and his wife divorced him took the kids and went back to Pittsburgh. Chris knew his wife would leave him and that was part of his plan, so his family would be safe. Chris made the painful choice of copying classified documents and audio recordings he felt people should know. He also knew the longer he did this more than likely he was gonna get caught, and so Chris began researching on how to survive in the woods and off the grid. Once he figured he had enough information to work with Chris Ryan disappeared and hitchhiked to Michigan where he had a cabin in the woods. Chris lived there for a while leaking out information to certain web-sites and conspiracy theorists. Then the Keyfall event began and Chris realized that his life on the lam really didn’t matter much anymore. The Government had bigger concerns than the ramblings of a former agent. However Chris knew his sanctuary was about to be lost forever, and so he grabbed a few essential items and went on his way. Strengths: --A sharp analytical mind --An expert with a Bow & Arrow from living in the woods. --Knows basic survival skills. Weaknesses/Allergies/Fears: 1) Hates guns! Chris wonders how often he could’ve made a difference on a case if he didn’t shoot first and ask questions later. 2) Allergic to cats 3) His sarcasm can be a detriment 4) Chris is confident in finding a solution to anything…sometimes TOO confident. 5) Can over-analyze a situation 6) A serious mis-trust of the Government and the military. 7) Chris believes he is the smartest guy in the room. Gear: -Hiking Backpack: Blue & Silver 25 (Height) X 10 (Width) X 11 (Length) -Canteen -The McMillian Hunting Knife (9 inches in length and a 4 inch blade) -Various food items (mainly granola), a black jacket, a survival blanket, and length of rope in the backpack. -Compound Bow -Arrows in a quiver across his chest. -Baseball bat