[quote=@Mystic Writer] [@Letter Bee] I personally do not mind at all if my character gets captured as well. If you want to stab/injure him to interrogate or whatever and then use healing magic to fix him up you could do that too. Since the perp does have plot armor and fighting is basically that guy's life it does make sense that my OC who has no knowledge in magic would probably lose in an all-out fight against a villain like him, Hiroto would probably have to rely on a sneak attack and I doubt even that would be enough to phase the guy too much. So I don't mind if my guy gets caught. It would probably also be an opportunity to learn more about the world by being detained. [b]Maybe not as much clothing being taken off though, deal?[/b] XD [/quote] Aww...damnit. All right, but Hiroto will have to be upfront about telling Myst about Earth and all the information that he could about that planet. Also, can he at least be made shirtless?