[@Mystic Writer] Just to clarify, the merc doesn't have plot armor. He can be killed if you know how to. It's just that the chances of Hiroto chances of killing the merc in a straight fight is slim to none considering things like skill and equipment at this very moment. You can still try and fight him despite the odds, but just because the merc doesn't have plot armor doesn't mean his literal armor won't save him from whatever Hiroto may try on him. [@Letter Bee] Keep your pants in check. As for Hiroto's compliance, that will largely depend on Mystic himself. While I don't see a reason why Hiroto wouldn't spill the beans, it also wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him to put two-and-torture together to figure out that Hiroto probs shouldn't tell Myst too much about himself or his world, less he get people seriously killed.