Seinna smiled politely as she saw the man approach her and hand her an ID. As he explained himself she looked it over carefully. It was issued by the GCA as part of the United States Department of Defense, the agency in charge of matters related to this when it came to allowing certain men into more dangerous circumstances then normal. She knew that much at least, but she didn't have any in depth knowledge, being from New Zealand. She was lucky both countries spoke English or else she would be completely lost. looked official enough, and this was a fine, upstanding looking gentleman. He had to be in order to be a part of the military police. Not some random shady person on the street. She looked up at him, giving him a nod. "Yep, looks good. And no need to call me Madame. I'm younger then you are, after all, so that just makes me feel old," she said casually, but not disrespectfully. She got on a walky talky, informing the ship's captain of the situation. "Hey, about this dude that we have on our ship..." she began to explain, leading to a short conversation. "Yeah, not much we can do about that...yeah...I know...uh-huh...yes ma'am!" She perked up to attention at the end, as if being scolded. She then set the walky talky back down on the table. "Looks like we'll be seeing some action now that you have the go ahead." Just a few moments after she set it down, one of the British girls onboard asked about a deck of cards. An odd question to ask when they were only at most thirty minutes away from the battle. Well, maybe it would get their nerves back under control the all important moments before the battle started. "Yeah, we have a deck right in here," she replied, opening a cupboard in the wall off to her right. Fumbling around with the various supplies inside, she found it and tossed the pack onto the table next to her walky talky. "Make it a short game, as we're heading out to war...war...nah. I've had that game last days before. Old maid, perhaps? Go fish?" she suggested, taking a seat. ____________________ Maria watched the incoming soldiers storming the beach through the scope of his sniper rifle. He lay on his belly on the top floor of a bunker designed to weather the bombing, the windows closed a moment ago but were now opened a crack now that the bombing had alleviated somewhat, allowing him to peer out. The sunlight washed over him, revealing what appeared to be an attractive teenage girl clothed in a pretty white dress stopping just above the knees. He had long blonde hair spread out around him as his head rested low on the ground with his sniper rifle, one eye squeezed shut to allow him to better see. How cruel of fate to make him more attractive then the average woman despite secretly being a man, as he claims to people who he lets in on this little secret. Nobody knows if he's just toying with people when he says that, which is entirely possible given his personality, but they didn't know exactly what to think. They never caught him with his pants down despite previous efforts to do so, so there was heated debate on this matter to this day among the other members of the organization that he was a part of. His organization's goal? Kidnapping men to bring back to their home countries. In his case it was Romania. He didn't really need to fight the allied soldiers here, and in fact they were just going to be getting in his way if they didn't leave. Pesky little things. They looked like ants from his position had he not been using his sights. The only good thing about this scenario is that if it distracted him it would distract those guarding the men, making things easier for him to swoop down and capture them in all of this chaos. His sights set on a lone woman who had arrived by herself moments before the battle and was currently darting off into an alleyway that happened to be nearby. At first he thought that she had spotted him and was heading off to take him out, but that was clearly not the case now. This person didn't even have a weapon as far as he could tell. If he got unlucky then she would spot him by accident and reveal his position. How troublesome. Leaving his sniper where it was, he grasped onto his pistol and dashed down the stairs, locking the door behind him as he made his way out onto the streets. He didn't want to use his sniper and give away his position for something like this. Time to pay her and up close and personal visit. She turned the corner, breathing a sigh of relief to find her still there, now resting on top of a discarded mattress. A silly little girl. Or...wait. Something was off. It was like his instincts were telling him that this person may be more then meets the eye. Hmm...if this person was a crossdressing boy then they were really good at it. For the life of him he couldn't tell before despite having a lot of training in spotting men. Of course he, himself, was the best at it, but he may have found a runner up. It at least gave him enough doubt not to kill her this very moment. "It's dangerous to be out here alone in an active war zone," he said charmingly, lowering his pistol to his side. "May I ask your name?" If she was careless then she would give out a male name and confirm his suspicions. If she gave him a female name then he had put some thought into this trickery or was actually a female. He didn't know what to do if that was the case. Well, either way he'd probably just kidnap her.