[center][color=turquoise][h1]Priest[/h1][/color][/center] [hr][center] [color=ed1c24]Priest's Preparations[/color]: [/center][hr] For a man that obsessed over magic Priest found himself using technology almost as much. Ah, modern conveniences. He dialed in the number of his generous contact. A gentle, lovable voice answered. "This is Laura." [color=turquoise]"Lauretta! How wonderful to hear your voice again."[/color] Priest chimed happily. Laura was possibly the most Christ-like person he knew of. She didn't head an orphanage or anything like the maniacs he was about to go up against but Priest'd be damned and pickled in a barrel if she didn't come up with the right way to take care of these kids. It was almost as if all she could think of was others. Of course Priest would never believe it, being a vain individual as he was. He couldn't understand her devotion but he had serious respect for it. "Oh, Saul, darling. How are you tonight? I was just finishing up these cute sweaters." Laura said. She often felt like an aunt that he never had. [color=turquoise]"I'm doing great. Just relaxing after a long day. And please Lauretta, please stop calling me that."[/color] Priest answered. Solomon was his given name. One he hadn't used for years but each time he wound up calling Laura for a favor she never seemed to remember that he didn't use that name anymore. She was a loose end of Priest's old life that he couldn't tie. How could he? She was such a sweetheart. "But why give up your real name, honey? It's such a shame. Besides, you keep calling me Lauretta, you know everyone calls me Laura." Stubborn as usual she kept pushing it. Priest couldn't be mad at that, not after personally knowing the lady. He'd almost jump in front of a bullet for her. Almost. [color=turquoise]"We've had this conversation before, you know why I can't use that name. I do relent though. I'll call you Laura, just call me Priest."[/color] The alias itself was more of an afterthought. There was Monk at first but he wasn't taking any kind of vows and he certainly didn't want to be remembered as a clean freak. Then there was Pastor, that didn't really fit though. It reminded him of too much that he didn't really care to remember. Priest was generic, it fit in almost every facet of religion and even associated with magic in many cultures. It would do. "Oh alright. I can't argue with that voice." There it goes, that loving response. "So, sweetie, what did you call old Laura for? And don't tell me you just wanted to talk. That's not like you, hon." [color=turquoise]"You are spot on as usual, Laura. I wish this were a time we could just chat for a moment."[/color] He lied. Priest may not like speaking without profit or entertainment but these next few moments would be important. Laura wasn't a fool even if she acted like it. She could tell if he were to start lying out of his ass. Maybe it was that motherly third eye. [color=turquoise]"I need some transportation and placement for orphans. Possibly a lot of them."[/color] Laura paused for a moment as if waiting for Priest to add more. When Priest hesitated she finally asked one word. "Why?" The ex-con man felt a little flustered. [color=turquoise]"Well, it's because the orphanage they're at is abusing them. I don't know to what extent but there's definitely human experimentation involved."[/color] "Oh my." That was it, she was convinced. The mercy response had been struck. "I'll see what I can do, just let me know where and when. We can't let this continue." Laura scratched something down in the background. "Priest, just don't let me know what you have to do or see in there. It would hurt me to know if it's any worse than I can already imagine." [color=turquoise]"Sure thing, Laura. I'll text you the details. You brighten the world, so please take care of yourself."[/color] Hmm, not a lie. "Oh, stop you. You'll make me blush. Talk to you soon, Priest." She hung up. Priest leaned back in his recliner, musing over something. [color=turquoise]"Going to have to make a dreamy donation for that one."[/color] Laura was a charity case. She wouldn't accept a payment from him. So he'd find a way anyways. What? Priest isn't that heartless. [hr][center] [color=red]A little while later.[/color] [@King Tai][@Gutshot] [/center][hr] [color=gray]"Echo..Priest...I'm a block away from the building. Once Darric, R0se, Willard, and Tamashi make their way in, Let me know when their security is disrupted. Do you copy?"[/color] Blaque ordered. Priest answered on the primary channel. [color=turquoise]"Loud and clear, Fearless Leader. My Rook is getting into position with our evac. I have eyes on Willy."[/color] He looked at the little shirt he'd taken from the boy absently, ball in his other hand. [color=turquoise]"Echo, systems are on you. I'll keep you posted on the situation Blaque. You will get alerted of anything suspicious."[/color] Priest switched the channels over. [color=turquoise]"Tinman! Bob is going to be here until the climax of the evening, you should stand by with him and wait for our word."[/color] He finished by transmitting the street location mentioned to N.E.R.O.N. so he could get there. [color=turquoise]"It's only a few streets over from the orphanage so we don't attract attention. We will, however, be able to roll through once things really get swinging."[/color] He finished. [@FantasyChic][@Vashonn][@RumikoOhara][@Wick][@pugbutter][@alexfangtalon]