Before we get started, I need to explain a few things: Each trooper carries, in addition to the Taser, two other pieces of gear from the list. You can take a spy camera and stinger, a breaching hammer and flashbangs, or any other combination. If you’re an assault who is using specialist underbarreled gear, you miss out on one thing from the list. How this RP is going to work: Each mission is part of an overall campaign that the squad will pursue throughout the life of the RP, for example we might be called out to engage some zombies, then later on detectives make a breakthrough as to the identity of a sorcerer and we go and arrest him. Alternately, these campaigns can be just one mission, such as being called out to deal with a ghost possessing someone. These will all be named after songs, which should give you a general idea of the theme of the individual campaigns. So, without further ado, we come to the first campaign, and easily the most light-hearted of the lot: [url=] [h1][centre]Back in Black[/centre][/h1][/url] [h3][centre]Forget the hearse 'cause I'll never die...[/centre][/h3] Jessica looked at the troopers in front of her. It was a shame some were off sick due to some flu or something that was going around, but she appreciated that they stayed at home. A sick trooper, even if it was just a cold or flu, was a trooper that wasn’t at peak efficiency, and that could be a death sentence out the field. She opened her mouth, ready to welcome in this new crew, and then the department phone went off; one that was only to be used for when the S-SWAT team needed to be called out for a mission. She raised an eyebrow and picked up the phone, saying “ACPD S-SWAT Division here, what’s the emergency?” “Oh thank every goddamn different kind of deity. The department weren’t given your number and we needed you half an hour ago; there’s been an S incident* at a warehouse dockside, seems a sorcerer got their hands on some corpses and were stashing the zombies in a shipping container. They started banging on the crate, some cretin of a worker opened the door and was killed. The rest evaced safely, and police have established a cordon, and the door’s locked. Perfect for the S-SWAT is what I believe force commander Grady sad.” Jessica listened to the panicked 911 operator on the other end of the phone, before saying “Aright, thanks for the info. The team’s all here, so we’ll get suited and booted. ETA half an hour, give the boys on the ground the good news.” She was grinning into the phone, not caring about the department cock-up with the phone numbers. “Alright. I’ll pass the news on that Alpha Team will be incoming. Good luck.” “Don’t need it.” She clicked the phone down and turned to the assembled troopers, raising her arms out wide. “Well then ladies and gents, it seems we have a tiny delay on the grand welcome speech. We’ve been called out, so let’s get suited and booted. Don’t bother with the lock picking machine or the spy camera. It’s a warehouse full of zombies. Let’s GO!” She shouted the last words and clapped, before walking over to the section that held all of their gear. She was already wearing field gear, she had intended for them to go to the killhouse today, but she supposed this was better than any killhouse for seeing how the boys and girls she had been assigned would deal with this situation. Because of this, the only thing that was left for her to put on was her balaclava and her armour. The Raider would be useful, especially since she would be taking point with her breaching shotgun. The suit was heavy and clanked softly, although she didn’t care. This had saved her life more than once back in the LAPD, and to have another set of the suit out here was brilliant. Her P226 went in her hip holster, and she clipped up a strap to her assault rifle, making sure the safety was on and the gun was loaded. She didn’t load the breaching charge yet, wouldn’t be needed until they were staring the door down in the face, before putting on the balaclava and helmet on at once. She hooked up three smoke grenades to her pocket; it was uprising how stupid zeds were once you denied them their sight, and rolled her shoulders, the first shots of adrenaline running through her body. Before every mission, this would happen, and she relished it. It was a glorious feeling, and the one that gave you that capability to make lightning fast decisions on the field. Time to lock and load people. *S Incident: A crime committed by a supernatural, or of a supernatural nature. [@Hekazu] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@MrMonsoon] [@Hostile]