"Valdis Freyr, or sa a Mando Adann Stal" He introduced himself to Ana after she gave her name, this was followed by Maria answering her question about their mission as they headed into The Amber Dragon. As the lights came on he turned to Ana one more time before boarding the ship "I don't know if you have all of your gear together or not but if you have missed anything you needn't worry, I keep some spare things on the ship" he tipped his head toward the entryway "come on and find a seat, we can finish prep in hyperspace" He walked in and went to the cockpit, taking the controls so they could take off. Once they had got off world, as he didn't have a droid, he had to manually prep the engine and input coordinates for the hyperspace jump himself. His attention was on the controls while he did this, leaving Maria and Ana to their own devices, he couldn't help but feel just a bit of excitement, glad to be on something other than a supply run at least. Once he was done and they were underway he leant back in his chair and looked to his passengers, giving Maria a short nod before looking to see if Ana had actually forgotten any of her kit. [@Sohtem][@DirtyDingo]